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Gray Panthers on the prowl
Maggin Kuhn

There must be a goal at every stage of life! There must be a goal!
-- maggie kuhn, founder


Amnesty International

California Coalition on Health Care Reform

Center for Medicare Advocacy

Century Foundation's Social Security Network - Sign up for weekly updates on Social Security events and news.

Families USA

Generations United

Human Rights Campaign

Human Rights Watch

International Longevity Center

National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

Physicians for a National Health Care Program

Social Security Information Project/New Century Alliance - Sign up for daily Social Security updates from the national progressive alliance for Social Security.

United for Peace and Justice

Universal Health Care Action Network

U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network- The basic income guarantee (BIG) is a government insured guarantee that no citizen's income will fall below some minimal level for any reason.

U.S. Congressional Legislation Watch - Check the status on any bill in terms of assignments, sponsors and text

Gray Panthers Network Sites

San Francisco

Gray Panthers of California

Gray Panthers of Sacramento

Metro Detroit

New York


Twin Cities, Minnesota


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