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  NeuroPharmacoGenetics(NPG) Laboratory
Neuropharmacology Laboratory
Neurobiology Laboratory
  Nosology of Substance Use Disorders
Treatment of Alcohol-Dependent Women

Couples Research Program
Individual Differences among Substance Abusers

Appearance- and Performance-Enhancing Drug Use
  Prevention and Etiology
    Health and Human Development Laboratory
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory

Rutgers Transdisciplinary Prevention Research Center (RTPRC)
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Courses in 2009, Faculty Listing
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2008/2009 Seminars
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The Center of Alcohol Studies (CAS) is known nationally and internationally as a leader in alcohol research, education and training, and documentation and publication of alcohol literature. Consistent with its strong history of commitment to alcohol research and training, it remains a multidisciplinary institute dedicated to the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge on psychoactive substance use, with a special emphasis on alcohol use and consequences. CAS faculty specialize in sociology, psychology, neuroscience, physiology, genetics, neuropharmacology, statistics, counseling, education, and information sciences.

Core Faculty, Affiliated Faculty, Emeritus Faculty
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  Center of Alcohol Studies
607 Allison Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854 Phone: 732-445-2190 FAX: 732-445-5300
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