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Global Development Alliance (GDA)

One of USAID's four key pillars, the Global Development Alliance (GDA) mobilizes the ideas, efforts, and resources of governments, businesses, and civil society by forging public-private alliances to stimulate economic growth, develop businesses and labor forces, address health and environmental issues, and expand access to education and technology.

The GDA approach enables alliance partners—corporations, foundations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)—to bring their strongest assets to bear to address jointly-defined development challenges, thereby achieving together a solution that would not be possible for any individual partner. This multi-stakeholder approach represents a shift in the way USAID executes its foreign assistance mandate.

By combining its strengths with the resources and capabilities of other prominent actors, the GDA allows USAID to extend its reach and effectiveness in meeting development objectives. Whereas in the 1970s the majority of resource flows from the United States to the developing world were from official development assistance, today the majority of resource flows from the U.S. to the developing world are private. The GDA approach responds to this changed environment, linking U.S. foreign assistance with the resources, expertise, and creativity of the companies and NGOs that provide a growing share of the resources for global development.

Thanks to the GDA, USAID is able to form alliances quickly as needs emerge. Since the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004, for example, USAID has formed 18 alliances with the private sector in affected countries, leveraging more than $17 million in private sector funds from partners including Mars, Inc., Chevron Corporation, Microsoft, The Coca-Cola Company, Prudential, Deutsche Bank, IBM, 3M, and ConocoPhillips.


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