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USAID: From The American People Information Technology Employees of a mango-packing plant near Santo Domingo prepare mangos for export to the United States - Click to read this story


USAID's Special ICT Initiatives

Photo of cybercafe in Kolda, Senegal
This cyber café in Senegal is participating in the Digital Freedom Initiative (DFI), — a Presidential Initiative to promote economic growth by transferring the benefits of ICT to entrepreneurs in the developing world.

Special initiatives are ways to address special development problems by introducing new ideas and new approaches. Successful initiatives are those that identify the ideas and approaches that really do work, and then help integrate them into our everyday operations. Once that happens, initiatives are either transformed to address the next higher level of need, or they reach the end of their assigned task. We encourage you to learn more about our participation in special initiatives for information and communication technology. Our special ICT initiatives are as follows:

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