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Oil & Gas

West Tavaputs Plateau Natural Gas Full Field Development Plan
Draft Environmental Impact Statement

 The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the West Tavaputs Plateau Natural Gas Full Field Development Plan is now available for public review and comment. The comment period will conclude on May 1, 2008.

The draft document evaluates a proposal by Bill Barrett Corporation and other operators to conduct full field development of natural gas resources on the West Tavaputs Plateau in the northeast portion of Carbon County. West Tavaputs Productiom Operation

This long-term development plan includes drilling up to 807 new natural gas wells on 538 locations over a period of approximately eight years. As each well has the potential to produce natural gas for up to 20 years, the total life of the project could be approximately 28 years. Most surface locations would accommodate more that one well through utilization of directional drilling techniques that minimize surface impacts.  Project infrastructure would include a network of roads and pipelines, gas compression stations and other facilities to accommodate delivery of natural gas to markets.  

The BLM is evaluating in detail five alternatives, including the proposed plan, in an effort to address the complex environmental issues and conflicting uses in the area. Its range of alternatives include application of best management practices for oil and gas development, optimizing opportunities for directional drilling, and other mitigation measures developed to address issues specific to this project. A decision on the plan could require BLM to amend its current land use plan.