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Industry Oversight

Markets, Clearing Organizations, and Intermediaries

Regulated Markets
DCMs (also commonly called futures markets) may trade the widest selection of commodities and allow trading by a full range of market participants. DTEFs are trading facilities that operate under a lower level of regulation, but are limited to certain commodities and/or participants.

Exempt Markets
Trading facilities that meet applicable criteria may operate relying on an exemption from most provisions of the CEA:

Clearing Organizations
Clearing organizations operating in connection with Commission authority include:

The CFTC oversees the activities of firms who act as intermediaries between customers and markets:

Intermediaries also are subject to financial privacy and anti-money laundering requirements.

Surveillance and Oversight

The goal of the Commission's oversight of regulated markets is to detect and deter market manipulation, prevent customer and market abuses, and ensure that regulated entities comply with self-regulatory responsibilities. The Commission conducts financial surveillance of clearing organizations and intermediaries in order to promote the financial integrity of the markets and the protection of customer funds.

Contracts and Rules

Last Updated: March 31, 2009