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NHI Noise Training

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The National Highway Institute (NHI) Highway Traffic Noise course 142051 is available for instruction. Please go onto the NHI website ( for more information on how to host a course or how to register for an already scheduled course. This is an introductory course designed to provide participants with an overall understanding of the various factors and attributes of a highway traffic noise. This course is ideal for the environmental generalist and the noise specialist of Federal Agencies, State DOTs, local governments and private firms.

The course includes sessions on:

This state-of-art course enhances the learning experience for the participants by including hands-on experiencing operating noise meters and the incorporation of the FHWA ISIS program into several lessons. The FHWA ISIS program is an Interactive Sound Information System which provides an audio/visual understanding of complex noise concepts. Dave Dubbink Associates developed this program for NHI. To inquire about how you can purchase the FHWA ISIS program or how to develop your own customized ISIS program contact Dave Dubbink Associates via their website at

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