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Wade Crow

Research Physical Scientist

photo of Wade Crow
Wade T. Crow, Ph.D.
Research Physical Scientist
USDA-ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Bldg. 007, Rm. 104, BARC-West
Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 USA
Voice: (301) 504-6847
Fax: (301) 504-8931

Research Interests:(click hereto see a list of current research projects)

  • Field- to regional-scale land surface water and energy balance modeling.
  • Development of land data assimilation systems for land surface models and remote sensing observations.
  • Microwave and radar remote sensing of soil moisture.
  • Scale and scalability issues in land surface modeling and remote sensing.


  • 1995 B.A. (Physics) Carleton College, Northfield, MN USA.
  • 1998 M.S.E. (Civil and Environmental Engineering) Princeton University, Princeton, NJ USA.
  • 2001 Ph.D. (Civil and Environmental Engineering) Princeton University, Princeton, NJ USA.

Professional Experience:

  • 2001 - 2002: Post-doctoral research associate for Prof. Eric Wood, Depart. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University.
  • 2002 - present: Research physical scientist, Agricultural Research Service, Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Beltsville, MD.


  • 2003: Principal investigator for funded NASA research grant proposal "Improving Flood Forecasts via the Integration of AQUA Satellite Products with a Macroscale Hydrologic Model" (~$98 K/year for three years).
  • 2005: Principal investigator for funded NASA research grant proposal "Monitoring Root-Zone Soil Moisture via Multi-Frequency Remote Sensing of Surface Soil Moisture and Evaporation" (~$120 K/year for three years).
  • 2006: Principal investigator for funded NASA applied science grant proposal "Integration of NASA's global soi moisture remote sensing and modeling data into USDA's Global Crop Production Decision Support System" (~$250 K/year for three years).
  • 2007: Principal investigator for funded ARS Postdoctoral Research Associate Program proposal "Integration of USDA Remote Sensing Resources into Watershed and Regional-Scale Water Quality Models" (~$50 K/year for two years).
  • 2007: Early Career Scientist of Year (ARS Beltsville Area).
  • 2008: Science Design Team member for the NASA Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) mission (~50 K/year for three years).

Professional Service:

  • Science team member for NASA's Hydrosphere States (Hydros) satellite mission.
  • Associate editor for the American Meteorological Society's Journal of Hydrometeorology.
  • Member of American Geophysical Union's technical committee on Hydrology and Remote Sensing.
  • Member of American Meteorological Society's Hydrology Committee.
  • ARS representative on the CCSP Interagency Global Water Cycle Committee.

Selected Publications:(contact wade.crow@ars.usda.gov for unposted reprints)

( view author's publications/interpretive summaries/technical abstracts since 1999)

Crow, W.T., and E.F. Wood, "Multi-scale dynamics of soil moisture variability observed during SGP'97," Geophysical Research Letters, 26(23), 3485-3488, 1999.

Crow, W.T., E.F. Wood, and R. Dubayah, "Potential for downscaling soil moisture maps derived from spaceborne imaging radar data," Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(D2):2203-2212, 2000.

View Paper in pdf formatCrow, W.T., M. Drusch, and E.F. Wood, "An observation system simulation experiment for the impact of land surface heterogeneity on AMSR-E soil moisture retrieval," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39(8), 1622-1632, 2001.

View Paper in pdf formatCrow, W.T., and E.F. Wood, "Impact of soil moisture aggregation on surface energy flux prediction during SGP97," Geophysical Research Letters, 29(1), 2001GL013796, 2002.

Crow, W.T., and E.F. Wood, "The value of coarse-scale soil moisture observations for regional surface energy balance modeling," Journal of Hydrometeorology, 3, 467-482, 2002.

Crow, W.T., and E.F. Wood, "The assimilation of remotely sensed soil brightness temperature imagery into a land-surface model using ensemble Kalman filtering: a case study based on ESTAR measurements during SGP97," Advances in Water Resources, 26, 137-149, 2003.

Crow, W.T., "Correcting land surface model predictions for the impact of temporally sparse rainfall rate measurements using an Ensemble Kalman filter and surface brightness temperature observations," Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4(5), 960-973, 2003.

Crow, W.T., E.F. Wood, and M. Pan, "Multiobjective calibration of land surface model evapotranspiration predictions using streamflow observations and spaceborne surface radiometric temperature retrievals," Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 108(D23), doi:10.1029/2002JD003292, 2003.

Dery, S.T., W.T. Crow, M. Stieglitz, and E.F. Wood, "Modeling snow-cover heterogeneity over complex Artic terrain for regional and global climate models," Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5(1), 33-48, 2004.

Gao, H., E.F. Wood, M. Drusch, W.T. Crow, and T.J. Jackson, "Using a microwave emission model to estimate soil moisture from ESTAR observations during SGP99," Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5(1), 49-63, 2004.

View Paper in pdf formatEntekhabi D., E. Njoku, P. Houser, M. Spencer, T. Doiron, J. Smith, R. Girard, S. Belair, W. Crow and twelve others, "The Hydrosphere State (HYDROS) mission concept: An earth system pathfinder for global mapping of soil moisture and land freeze/thaw," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42(10), 2184-2195, 2004.

View paper in pdf formatCrow, W.T., D. Ryu, and J.S. Famiglietti, "Upscaling of field-scale soil moisture measurements using distributed land surface modeling," Advances in Water Resources, 28(1), 1-5, 2005.

Crow, W.T., and W.P. Kustas, "Utility of assimilating surface radiometric temperature observations for evaporative fraction and heat transfer coefficient retrieval," Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 115, 105-130, 2005.

Crow, W.T., T. Chen, D. Entekhabi, P. Houser, A. Hsu, T. Jackson, E. Njoku, P. O'Neill, J. Shi, and X. Zhan, "An observing system simulation experiment for Hydros radiometer-only soil moisture products," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(6), 1289-1303, 2005.

Crow, W.T., R. Bindlish, and T.J. Jackson, "The added value of spaceborne passive microwave soil moisture retrievals for forecasting rainfall-runoff ratio partitioning," Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L18401, doi: 10.1029/2005GL023543, 2005.

Crow, W.T., F. Li, and W.P. Kustas, "Intercomparison of spatially explicit distributed models for predicting surface energy flux patterns during SMACEX,"  Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6(6), 941-953, 2005.

Crow, W.T., R.D. Koster, R.H. Reichle, and H. Sharif, "Relevance of time-varying and time-invariant retrieval error sources on the utility of spaceborne soil moisture products," Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L24405, doi:10.1029/2005GL024889, 2005.

Crow, W.T., D. Entekhabi, R.D. Koster, and R.H. Reichle, "Mutliple spaceborne water cycle observations would aid modeling," EOS, 87, 15, 11 April 2006.

Crow, W.T., and E. Van Loon, "The impact of incorrect model error assumptions on the sequential assimilation of remotely sensed surface soil moisture," Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8(3), 421-431, 2006.

Zhan, X., P.R. Houser, J.P. Walker, and W.T. Crow, "A method of retrieving high resolution soil moisture from Hydros L-band radiometer and radar observations," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(6), 1534-1545, 2006.

Crow, W.T, "A novel method for quantifying value in spaceborne soil moisture retrievals," Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8(1), 56-67, 2007.

Crow, W.T., and J.D. Bolten, "Estimating precipitation errors using spaceborne surface soil moisture retrievals," Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L08403, doi:10.1029/2007GL029450, 2007.

Crow, W.T., and X. Zhan, "Continental-scale evaluation of remotely-sensed soil moisture products," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 4(3), 451-455, 2007.

Sharif, H.O., W.T. Crow, N. Miller, and E.F. Wood, "Multi-decadal high-resolution modeling of the Arkansas/Red River Basin," Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8(5), 1111-1127, 2007

Reichle , R.H., W.T. Crow, R. D. Koster, H. Sharif and S. Mahanama, "Contribution of soil moisture retrievals to land data assimilation products," Geophysical Research Letters,35, L01404, doi:10.1029/2007GL031986, 2008.

 Crow, W.T, W.P. Kustas, and J. Prueger, "Monitoring root-zone soil moisture through the assimilation of a thermal remote sensing-based soil moisture proxy into a water balance model," Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 1268-1281, 2008.

Reichle, R.H., W.T. Crow, and C.L. Keppenne, "An adaptive ensemble Kalman filter for soil moisture data assimilation," Water Resources Research, 44, W03423, doi:10.1029/2007WR006357, 2008.

Zhan, X., W.T. Crow, T.J. Jackson, and P.E. O'Neill, "Improving space-borne radiometer soil moisture retrievals with alternative aggregation rules for ancillary parameters in highly heterogeneous vegetated areas," Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 5(2), 261-265,  2008.

Crow, W.T., and R.H. Reichle, "Comparison of adaptive filtering techniques for land surface data assimilation," Water Resources Research, 44, W08423, doi:10.1029/2008WR006883, 2008.

Kumar, S.V., R.H. Reichle, C.D. Peters-Lidard, R.D. Koster, X. Zhan, W.T. Crow, J.B. Eylander, and P.R. Houser, "A land surface data assimilation framework using the Land Information System: Description and application," Advances in Water Resources, 31, 1419-1432, 2008.

Reichle, R.H., M.G. Bosilovich, W.T. Crow, R.D. Koster, S.V. Kumar, S.P.P. Mahanama, and B.F. Zaitchik, "Recent advances in land data assimilation at the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office," Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Hydrologic Applications, S.K. Park (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, 407-428 , doi:10.1007/978-3-540-71056-1, 2008.

Bolten, J., W.T. Crow, X. Zhan, C. Reynolds, and T.J. Jackson, "Assimilation of a satellite-based soil moisture product in a two-layer water balance model for a global crop production decision support system," Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Hydrologic Applications, S.K. Park (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, 449-465, doi:10.1007/978-3-540-71056-1,2008.

http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/13/1/2009/hess-13-1-2009.pdfCrow, W.T. and D. Ryu, "A new data assimilation approach for improving runoff prediction using remotely-sensed soil moisture retrievals," Hydrologic and Earth System Sciences, 13, 1-16, 2009. 

Bindlish, R., W.T. Crow, and T.J. Jackson, "The role of passive microwave remote sensing in improving flood forecasts," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 6(1), 112-116, 2009.

Crow, W.T., G.F. Huffman, R. Bindlish, and T.J. Jackson, "Improving satellite rainfall accumulation estimates using spaceborne soil moisture retrievals," Journal of Hydrometeorology, 10(1), 199-212, 2009.

Ryu, D., W.T. Crow, X. Zhan and T.J. Jackson, "Correcting unintended perturbation biases in hydrologic data assimilation using Ensemble Kalman filter," in press, Journal of Hydrometeorology.

Bolten, J.D., W.T. Crow, T.J. Jackson, X. Zhan, and C.A. Reynolds, "Continental-scale evaluation of assimilated soil moisture retrievals from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer," in revision, Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Remote Sensing.

Kumar, S.V., R.H. Reichle, R.D. Koster, W.T. Crow, and C.D. Peters-Lidard, "Role of subsurface physics in the assimilation of surface soil moisture observations, in revision, Journal of Hydrometeorology.

Crow, W.T., D.G. Mirrales and M.H. Cosh, "A quasi-global evaluation system for satellite surface soil moisture retrievals," submitted, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

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