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Clean Energy and Climate Change Strategy

Recently, EPA Region 6 finished the development of a Clean Energy and Climate Change Strategy (PDF) (23 pp, 644k, About PDF)

We internally surveyed our employees, researched other EPA Regions, state and local efforts, analyzed our States’ carbon sources, and formulated a strategy that prioritizes our activities across four, action-oriented categories

  We will accomplish our goals through:

In implementing our strategy, we will enhance our collaborative partnership efforts with our State and Tribal partners, local governments, the private sector and the public at large, to leverage our resources in achieving our goals.

To facilitate these efforts, we will develop an Eco challenge network that will help publicize and market these partnership efforts so that interested organizations can more easily become active partners. 

We will work to reduce our own carbon footprint in our day-to-day operations in our Dallas Regional Office and Houston laboratory.

We will support greenhouse gas mitigation efforts through sequestration where possible, promote landscape scale coastal protection effects from climate change, and promote the use of previously contaminated lands for alternative and renewable energy production.

EPA Region 6 understands that clean energy and climate change will be an emerging and challenging aspect of environmental protection in the future and our strategy will be revised depending on enabling legislation and needs.

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