Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)

Table C-21. NHTSA RD&T Funding ($000)

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NHTSA RD&T Program FY 2005 Actual FY 2006 Enacted FY 2007 Request
Research and Analysis 69,401 71,908 64,211
Crashworthiness 25,263 22,994 19,226
Safety Systems 9,151 9,134 7,726
Biomechanics (Human Injury Research) 16,112 13,860 11,500
Crash Avoidance 9,788 12,065 9,165
Driver/Vehicle Performance 3,488 6,980 6,750
National Advanced Driver Simulator 3,591 0 0
Heavy Vehicles 2,098 4,470 2,115
Pneumatic Tire Research 611 615 300
Data Programs (T) 32,608 34,188 33,883
Fatal Accident Reporting System (T) 6,543 6,992 7,063
National Accident Sampling System (T) 12,046 12,108 12,230
Data Analysis Program (T) 1,970 1,980 2,000
State Data Program (T) 2,504 2,515 2,890
Special Crash Investigations (T) 1,675 1,683 1,700
National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey (T) 6,887 7,920 7,000
Early Fatality Notification System (T) 983 990 1,000
Crash Avoidance 492 495 0
Vehicle Research and Test Center 1,004 1,002 1,012
Hydrogen New Initiative 0 916 925
NAS Tire Study 246 0 0
Plastic and Composite Vehicles 0 248 0
Highway Safety Research 4,571 4,621 6,833
Administrative Expenses 19,625 15,169 13,458
Subtotal, R&D1 60,989 57,510 50,619
Subtotal, Technology Investment (T)2 32,608 34,188 33,883
Subtotal, Facilities (F)3 0 0 0
Total NHTSA 93,597 91,698 84,502

1 Composed of basic research (without specific application), applied research (for a specific need), and developmental research (design, development, and improvements of prototypes and processes).

2 Demonstration projects and other related activities associated with R&D.

3 Acquisition, design, and construction and repairs of all physical facilities for use in R&D.

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