
Anesthesia Patients
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  -  Anesthetic Awareness

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Kept Secret in
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About Anesthesia
Need-to-Know Information for Anesthesia Patients

This section will help you as you prepare for surgery. 
Below are important items to consider in your preparation, 
as well as what you can expect after surgery.

Preparing for Anesthesia
Find out what you need to know -- both before and after surgery. Read the full story.

Anesthesia Q & A
Is anesthesia safe? What determines which type of anesthesia is best for you? Answers to these and other questions are found here. Read the full story.

Preanesthesia Questionnaire
This handy checklist will help you and your anesthesia provider prepare for your surgery. Read the full story

Conscious Sedation
For which kinds of surgeries and procedures can conscious sedation be administered? Read the full story.


Go to Patient Central Table of Contents
Go to Medication Complications section.


This information is brought to you by the
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
222 S. Prospect Avenue
Park Ridge, IL 60068-4001