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Local Telecommunications Contracts Overview

Network Services
(877) 387-2001
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Additional Contacts For
Local Telecommunications Services

Local Telecommunications Services contracts offer voice, data and video telecommunications products and services in every state and major city in the United States, including:

  • Puerto Rico,
  • U.S. Virgin Islands,
  • Guam,
  • American Samoa, and
  • Northern Mariana Islands.

These contracts provide a full range of first mile/last mile services and solutions to fit any customer requirement.

Contract categories include the Metropolitan Area Acquisitions (MAA) that covers twenty-six cities with major federal populations, its companion Washington Interagency Telecommunications System (WITS) for the Washington, DC, area, and a myriad of additional state-wide or locality based contracts serving 500+ systems throughout the country. Local Telecommunications Customer Representatives are available for additional information and assistance in procuring services. 

GSA's regional and field offices provide:

  • Front-line technical assistance,
  • Customer support, and
  • Vendor coordination for locally managed telecommunications systems and interconnection to long distance services.
GSA provides full service provisioning for all local telecommunications requirements, including all aspects of life cycle management. GSA can develop customized solutions for customers using its full array of contracts, support service transitions, trouble shoot disruptions, and resolve customer service issues. GSA can also assist with:
  • Defining requirements,
  • Reviewing alternatives, and
  • Advising agencies in determining how best to satisfy needs.