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DoDEA Community Strategic Plan 2006-2011


All students will meet or exceed challenging standards in academic content so that they are prepared for continuous learning.

Objective ONE: All students will show academic growth (beginning to end of school year) in student achievement through a curriculum that challenges each student to excel.

spacer imageStrategy ONE: Data-driven decision making to ensure an aligned continuous improvement process.

spacer imageStrategy TWO: Data-driven decisions identify student academic needs for teachers.

spacer imageStrategy THREE: Technologies integrated with cognitive development and DoDEA's content standards.

Objective TWO: All students will have access to varied and supplemental learning opportunities to meet or exceed the DoDEA standards.

spacer imageStrategy ONE: Differentiated instruction to meet individual student needs and engage learners.

spacer imageStrategy TWO: Optimized student support services and special programs.

spacer imageStrategy THREE: Virtual School.

Objective ONE

All students will show academic growth (beginning to end of school year) in student achievement through a curriculum that challenges each student to excel.

spacer imageStrategy ONE: Data-driven decision making to ensure an aligned continuous improvement process.
By June 2008, annual program evaluations are conducted.


  • Curricular and Program Coordinators
  • Available system data to review, refine, and plan for curricular development
By December 2008, clearly defined content standards are developed for English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics curricular areas.


  • Assessment Branch
  • Curricular Areas
  • Standards Review Report
By June 2009, a professional development plan for program evaluation with teacher and administrators modules is developed.


  • Assessment Branch
  • Professional Development Branch
  • Professional Development Plan completed
By September 2009, schools are provided standardized, dis- aggregated, user-friendly student achievement data with a template provided by Headquarters.


  • Assessment Branch
  • Student Achievement Data
  • Norm-Referenced Assessment Data
By December 2009, an assessment plan is developed.


  • Assessment Branch
  • Assessment Plan completed
  • Field Test Results
By September 2010, teachers use data regularly to inform instructional practices.


  • Assessment Branch
  • Continuous School Improvement Leadership Teams
  • Observation Reports
  • Accreditation Reports
By December 2010, teachers and administrators are trained in the use of data and evaluation.


  • Assessment Branch
  • Professional Development Branch
  • Training Schedule
  • Training Evaluation Responses
  • Accreditation Reports
By January 2011, clearly defined content standards for Health Education, Physical Education, Music, Drama, Speech, English as a Second Language, Professional Technical Studies, Gifted Education, Counselors, Journalism and Art are developed.


  • Assessment Branch
  • Curricular Areas
  • Standards Review Report

spacer imageStrategy TWO: Data-driven decisions identify student academic needs for teachers.
By June 2009, and annually thereafter, percentage of students scoring in the bottom quartile on alternate and norm-referenced assessments is decreased and the percentage of students who do not reach proficiency on criterion-referenced assessments is decreased.


  • Assessment Branch
  • Research and Evaluation

Classroom Teachers


  • Norm-Referenced Assessment Data
  • Diagnostic/criterion-
    referenced assessment data
By June, 2009 and annually thereafter, percentage of students scoring in the top quartile on standard and alternate norm-referenced assessments is increased and the percentage of students who reach proficiency on criterion-referenced assessments is increased.


  • Assessment Branch
  • Research and Evaluation

Classroom Teachers


  • Norm-Referenced Assessment Data
  • Diagnostic/criterion-
    referenced assessment data
By June 2011, and annually thereafter, students demonstrate one year's academic growth as measured with diagnostic/criterion-referenced assessments.


  • Assessment Branch
  • Research and Evaluation

Classroom Teachers



  • Diagnostic/criterion-
    referenced assessment data

spacer imageStrategy THREE: Technologies integrated with cognitive development and DoDEA's content standards.
By June 2010, Technology Literacy standards are developed, adopted and implemented.


  • Education Technology Coordinator
  • Standards Review Report
  • Teacher Survey
  • Program Evaluations
  • Student Focus Groups
  • Student Surveys
  • Education Technology
  • School Year (SY) 07-08 Pre- and Post- Surveys
By June 2010, Information Literacy standards are developed, adopted and implemented.


  • Information Specialist Coordinator
  • Standards Review Report
  • Student Focus Groups
  • Teacher Survey
  • Program Evaluations
  • DoDEA school library impact studies
  • Information Specialists SY 07-08 Pre- and Post- Surveys

soldier hugs his children

Objective TWO

All students will have access to varied and supplemental learning opportunities to meet or exceed the DoDEA standards.

spacer imageStrategy ONE: Differentiated instruction to meet individual student needs and engage learners
By December 2008, training on differentiated instruction is embedded in all professional development for educators.


  • Curriculum and Program Chiefs
  • 100% of training plans and agendas include differentiated instruction
  • Professional Development Surveys
  • Program Evaluations
  • Accreditation Reports
By June, 2010 differentiated classroom instruction is used by teachers.

Headquarters and Area Curriculum Monitors


  • Assessment Branch
  • Monitoring Visits
  • Principal Observations
  • Accreditation Reports

spacer imageStrategy TWO: Optimized student support services and special programs
By June, 2008 student support services and special programs designed to optimize student learning are assessed, revised and refined to include:
  • AVID
  • Academic support labs
  • SPED/ELL (Inclusion)
  • Gifted
  • AP courses
  • PTS courses


  • Curriculum and Program Chiefs
  • Enrollment Data
  • Customer Satisfaction Data

spacer imageStrategy THREE: Virtual School
By June 2009, the number of courses is expanded and the delivery of courses in DoDEA's Virtual School is improved.


  • Virtual School Branch
  • Number of DoDEA developed core and advanced courses offered
  • Enrollment and Completion Rates
  • Student Surveys
  • Course Evaluations
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