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DoDEA Community Strategic Plan 2006-2011


This document contains the strategic direction for the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) for the years 2006-2011. DoDEA provides education to eligible Department of Defense (DoD) military and civilian dependents from preschool through grade 12 with two distinct programs, the DoD Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS) for dependents at locations within the continental United States where DoD operates schools, and the DoD Dependents Schools (DoDDS) for dependents outside the continental United States.

The DDESS system serves an estimated 25,500 students in 63 schools located in seven states, Guam, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The DoDDS system serves approximately 65,500 students in 154 schools in 13 countries. Courses of study in DoDEA schools parallel those found in public schools in the United States. This plan unifies the strategic direction for both DDESS and DoDDS, yet provides the flexibility to address unique issues and challenges each program and each community addresses.

The process used to develop this 5-year plan, along with the vision, mission, guiding principles, goals, outcomes, members, and glossary of terms, are contained in the following pages. The plan provides a road map for keeping DoDEA in the forefront in advancing the Department of Defense's agenda for education, and as a leader in the Nation for improving student performance and achievement.


Communities investing in success for ALL students!


To Provide an Exemplary Education that Inspires and Prepares All DoDEA Students for Success in a Dynamic, Global Environment.

Guiding Principles
  • Success for All Students
  • Trust and Respect for Others
  • Uncompromising Advocacy for Students
  • Development of Lifelong Learners
  • Equal Access to Quality, Rigorous Education
  • New and Motivating Challenges to Inspire Excellence
  • Teaching with High Expectations
  • Safe and Stable Learning Environment
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