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Context Sensitive Solutions and Transportation Planning

The application of CSS principles within the transportation planning process assists regions and communities reach their transportation goals by encouraging the consideration of land use, transportation, and infrastructure needs in an integrated manner. When transportation planning reflects community input and takes into consideration the impacts on both natural and human environments, it also promotes partnerships that lead to "balanced" decisionmaking. This is a core principle of CSS.

Integration of CSS in Transportation Planning Planning Process -The Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) at the North Carolina State University conducted an FHWA-sponsored research project to determine best practices associated with integrating context sensitive solutions (CSS) into the transportation planning process. An annotated bibliography includes sections on current research initiatives, and applications and policies at national, state, and regional agencies. Deliverables also include an assessment of CSS as applied to planning, a tool-kit of fact sheets, Q&As, and case studies for both States and communities. A report summary includes findings and recommendations on ways to incorporate CSS into transportation planning based on research and case study evaluations.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (Q&As) have been developed to highlight several illustrative approaches, techniques, and practical application examples for reflecting CSS considerations in transportation planning. These Q&As address issues such as: how CSS principles can be reflected in transportation planning; current examples for applying CSS principles in transportation planning; and the potential for CSS to help streamline transportation decisionmaking.

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