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For Kids and Teachers Only

Do you like to learn about really interesting things having to do with science and energy -- such as bubble gum, wind and dinosaurs? Perhaps you are looking for info that will help you get all A's on your reports at school. Perhaps instead you are from the dark side, a teacher who is looking for some terrific curriculum materials.

We hope this site will provide you with some interesting and useful information and materials to use about energy. We hope to answer your questions about energy, like: Who needs it? What is it? What does it look like? What does if feel like? What does it smell like? What we do with it? When do we use it? Where does it come from? Why do we need it? How do we get it? Well, you get the picture.

We're going to be continuously adding to our links to energy information sources for you. So come back here often for more information.

To start, we would like to introduce you to Energy Ant. He is a very cool guy. Go ahead, give him a click.

Friendly Ant

Here's another resource that can provide a mother lode of energy information as well as teaching and learning materials:

National Energy Foundation

(Try their Energy Action link!)

Here’s a fossilized gem for you:

Department of Energy

And, here are some other links:

Remember, come back often for more info.

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