PHMSA Pipeline Safety Program

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Pipeline Library

Pipeline Glossary


State-specific information:

Federal Agencies

U.S. Capitol

We are making changes and meeting challenges.

At OPS -- and in active consultation with our federal partners -- we are evaluating and refocusing our regulatory approach, expanding stakeholder communications, developing new permitting processes for critical pipeline repairs, and helping to create new products and methodologies that increase pipeline safety.

Information Highlights

Our Federal Partners

OPS collaborates and coordinates extensively with other federal agencies and programs that share similar goals and objectives. Learn about those partnerships here. More...

PHMSA’s Pipeline Safety Research and Development Program

PHMSA’s pipeline safety research & development efforts relate to different pipeline types and application areas and address issues important to pipeline safety stakeholders. More...

Pipeline Maps and Operator Contacts

Wondering about a pipeline route in your town, or what a particular pipeline carries? If you're a federal, state or local official, you can access pipeline maps as well as operator contact information through the National Pipeline Mapping System. Apply for access. More...

Improving Stakeholder Communications

Our Community Assistance and Technical Services managers perform a broad range of communications and problem-solving duties. Find out how they can help you cut through the clutter and find the information you need. More...

State Regulatory Fact Sheets

OPS has prepared fact sheets describing distribution of regulatory responsibilities for pipelines as well as pertinent state agency contact information for all fifty states. You can find these in the pipeline library. More...

Navigating the 'Permitting Pathway'

OPS and other federal agencies are actively exploring ways to coordinate permitting for time-critical pipeline repairs. Timelier permitting for critical pipeline repairs will enhance public safety. More...

(Click here for a full list of highlights)

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