PHMSA Pipeline Safety Program

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Damage Prevention

Alternative Fuels

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Land Use Planning

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Public Awareness

Liquefied Natural Gas

Pipeline Library

Pipeline Glossary


State-specific information:

Pipeline Safety Advocates

Town Meeting

Constructive dialogue is about sharing information and resources.

At OPS, our mission is to ensure the safe, reliable and environmentally sound operation of our nation's energy pipeline transportation system. Pipelines have a proven record of safety. According to the General Accounting Office, "the number of pipeline incidents is relatively low when compared with those involving other forms of freight transportation." However, pipeline failures can and sometimes do occur.

There are many causes and contributors to pipeline failures, including construction errors, material defects, corrosion, operational errors, equipment malfunctions, and excavation damage. Potential consequences of pipeline failures include injuries and even fatalities, costly property and environmental damage, and disruptions in energy supply to consumers. Although the frequency of pipeline accidents is relatively low, when they occur their effects can be tragic and significant.

Join Us

We ask that you join us, and help increase pipeline awareness and pipeline safety in your community. This website provides information and resources to help you do just that.

If you are seeking specific information and cannot readily find it here, please contact the OPS Community Assistance & Technical Services (CATS) Program Manager in your area for assistance. Pipeline safety is an issue that connects us all.

Information Highlights

Best Practices in Damage Prevention

The Common Ground Alliance (CGA) provides and promotes comprehensive best practices in the area of pipeline damage prevention. They are an invaluable resource for excavators, as well as for state and local policymakers. More...

PHMSA’s Pipeline Safety Research and Development Program

PHMSA’s pipeline safety research & development efforts relate to different pipeline types and application areas and address issues important to pipeline safety stakeholders. More...

Your OPS Point of Contact

Need a contact within OPS, or a speaker for your next community council meeting? Have questions about inspections or a pipeline's proximity to a wetland? OPS Community Assistance and Technical Services managers can assist. More...

Pipeline Operators Required to Communicate with the Public

Pipeline companies are required to establish programs that educate the public and others on recognizing and reporting pipeline emergencies. New rules will enhance these programs to improve public awareness and pipeline safety. More...

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in the U.S.

Increasing U.S. consumption of natural gas, coupled with declining North American production, has led to an increasing reliance on imported LNG. More...

Safe Pipelines Email Discussion Group

The Safe Pipelines listserv is dedicated to sharing pipeline safety and pipeline siting information among community activists, government officials, and pipeline experts nationwide. Join the discussion here. More...

Citizen's Committee on Pipeline Safety

Citizen's committees on pipeline safety have been formed in several states to advise local, state and federal agencies on pipeline safety matters. An example is the Washington State Citizen's Committee on Pipeline Safety. More...

The Pipeline Safety Trust

The Pipeline Safety Trust promotes fuel transportation safety through education and advocacy, by increasing access to information, and by building partnerships with residents, safety advocates, government, and industry. More...

Preparing For Emergencies

Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness is a booklet written by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Are You Ready? addresses all aspects of individual, family, and community preparedness for a wide variety of potential emergencies, including hazardous materials incidents. You can download or order it here. More...

Grants to States for One-Call and Damage Prevention

We provide grant funding to our State Partners to improve communication among excavators and owners of underground facilities. The PIPES Act of 2006 also authorizes grants to State authorities, designated by the Governor, to create or augment effective State damage prevention programs. More...

(Click here for a full list of highlights)

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