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Region 6 Land Revitalization

What is Land Revitalization?
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As part of its mission to protect the environment and human health, the United States Environmental Protection Agency is undertaking an important initiative to revitalize land by restoring contaminated, and potentially contaminated, sites to productive economic and greenspace use. The revitalization initiative seeks to resolve barriers to reuse and promote the reuse of sites that are being or have been cleaned up. To this end, EPA is working to ensure that cleanup remedies take into account a property's anticipated future use.

Bullet Houston Holmes Road Landfill site study recommends
revitalization with a solar power plant
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solar panel

The U.S. EPA completed a sustainability pilot study focusing on the feasibility of building a solar power plant on the Holmes Landfill, Houston, Texas. The study is a model for other communities that are considering development of their closed landfills into renewable energy generators, specifically solar power. EPA's contractor, SRA International, was tasked to provide assistance to the city for technical, regulatory and economic analyses of a proposed solar power farm on a former landfill. The project anticipates that the revitalization of the 300-acre site located 10 minutes from downtown Houston will create positive environmental impacts such as a healthier ecosystem, increased safety for surrounding residents, economic development and historical restoration. Review the full report: Solar Power Analysis and Design Specifications (PDF , 25 pp, 1.6 KB, about PDF ).

National Brownfields Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
November 16-18, 2009

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Electronic Postcard for National Brownfields Conference in New Orleans

EPA Region 6 is host to the 2009 National Brownfields Conference. For three days, thousands of industry professionals and decision-makers will come together to learn about the latest advancements in the inventory, assessment, remediation, and redevelopment of brownfields. Submit your idea for a session, mobile workshop or poster, or become an endorser and show your organization's support for the Conference. Visit the Conference website for details.

Brownfields 2009 exit disclaimer


Webinars to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the
Superfund Redevelopment Initiative

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To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Superfund Redevelopment initiative, EPA is hosting a monthly series of free webinars beginning April 29, 2009, 1:00pm - 2:30pm (CDT). Sessions will describe the history of the program, a variety of case studies, challenges, successes and reuse ideas. There will be opportunities for Q & A. Click here for program details (PDF, 1 p, 384 KB). Register for a webinar session.

Elements of Land Revitalization
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Federal Facilities


Superfund Redevelopment

Underground Storage Tanks

EPA's Brownfields Program is designed to empower states, communities, and other stakeholders in economic redevelopment to work together in a timely manner to prevent, assess, safely cleanup, and sustainably reuse brownfields.


(Base Realignment and Closure) EPA's Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office works with other federal entities to facilitate faster, more effective, and less costly cleanup and reuse of federal facilities.
EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Brownfields Prevention Initiative encourages the continued use and reuse of RCRA sites so that the land better serves the needs of the community. The Corrective Action program requires the investigation and cleanup of on-going operations. See also Non-Hazardous/Solid Waste.
EPA'S Superfund Redevelopment Program is working to encourage communities at every cleanup site to consider anticipated future reuses early so that cleanups can accommodate those uses while maintaining standards that protect human health and the environment.
EPA's Office of Underground Storage Tanks supports the cleanup and reuse of abandoned properties contaminated with petroleum from underground storage tanks.

Region 6
Land Revitalization Resources


Cityscape Bullet


Land Revitalization Newsletter - Quarterly Update

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  • It's Elemental - It's Mercury - It's Dangerous
  • 1st LEED Platinum Children's Hospital in the World
  • Attebury Grain Storage Added to Superfund List
  • Hotel Andaluz Goes for the Gold
  • Santa Fe Renewable Energy Conference
  • Renewable Energy on Tribal Lands in New Mexico
  • Region 6 Launches Google Earth Land Revitalization Sites
  • See the new "Green Pages Guide," an Internet Directory of Clean Energy & Climate Change Programs


Other Programs to Assist in Land Revitalization:

Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE)

Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) (Review proceedings and highlights from LMOP's recent workshop, "Landfill Gas Energy: A Sustainable Energy Source from Small Landfills in New England."

On Scene Coordinator (OSC)

Renewable Energy on Contaminated Land and Mining Sites

U.S. Green Building Council exit warning


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