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HIS/EM Site Banner

Last Updated on February 6, 2009


The purpose of this site is to provide information and tools to those involved with or desiring knowledge of highway infrastructure security and emergency management training, publications, or state contacts.

Aimed at highway or transportation agency employees, this site should benefit those newly assigned to positions in these functions, for research purposes, or for self or continuing education. Those already engaged should find this site useful as a reference repository.

For ease of navigation, the site is separated into the Highway Infrastructure Security (HIS) and Emergency Management (EM) sections identified to the left. Though some resources may be found in both sections, generally, look for HIS information in the HIS section and for EM information in the EM section. The intent is for a user to click on a link that takes the user from this site directly to the resource.

About Highway Infrastructure Security and Emergency Management (HIS/EM) Professional Capacity Building (PCB):

HIS/EM Professional Capacity Building was initially established as the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Security PCB Program. Its objective was to enhance the knowledge and understanding of security among the nation's highway workforce. In collaboration with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the US Department of Transportation Volpe Transportation Systems Center and acknowledging the natural linkage between highway infrastructure security and emergency management, the Security PCB Program was transformed into HIS/EM PCB in 2007. Concurrently the objective was expanded to also include the need for providing knowledge and understanding about emergency management to the highway workforce. This site represents a step towards meeting the expanded objective.

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