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Laboratory Quick Finder


Toxicity Data & ESLs

The list of compounds routinely analyzed in this study are listed below. The toxicological data for these compounds was obtained from a variety of sources, including , but not limited to theExit EPA Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry( ASTDR), the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA ), as well as theExit EPA National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) .Information on Effects Screening Levels provided courtesy of theExit EPA Texas Comission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) , formerly the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Comission (TNRCC) . The ESLs data is current as of 7/19/2000. No other information about the validity or accuracy of this data is either expressed or implied.

Exit EPAEffects Screening Levels List Provided by TCEQ Logo

Effects Screening Levels (ESLs) are used to evaluate the potential for effects to occur as a result of exposure to concentrations of constituents in the air. ESLs are based on data concerning health effects, odor nuisance potential, effects with respect to vegetation, and corrosion effects. They are not ambient air standards. If predicted or measured airborne levels of a constituent do not exceed the screening level, adverse health or welfare effects would not be expected to result. If ambient levels of constituents in air exceed the screening levels, it does not necessarily indicate a problem, but rather, triggers a more in-depth review.
In this list, short- and long-term ESLs are included. "Short-term" generally indicates a one-hour averaging period. Exceptions are noted parenthetically after a constituent name. "Long-term" indicates an annual averaging period. An asterisk immediately after the constituent name signifies the ESL is currently under review, and thus, subject to change. A double asterisk after the constituent name indicates the constituent has disaster potential.

The ESL list can be downloaded as a self-extracting file entitled ESL2000.EXE, which contains an introductory memorandum, the changes to the list since the last update, and the ESL list itself, in spreadsheet form (xls). You can access help on downloading and using self-extracting files. Hard copies of the ESL list are available by contacting TCEQ, Toxicology and Risk Assessment at 512/239-1795. Technical questions regarding the ESL list, or requests for alternate file formats, may be addressed to Zarena Post at 512/239-1332 or Jong-Song Lee at 512/239-1790.

Electronic copies of previous ESL lists are also available for 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1997.

Sign Up for ESL-Related Announcements
To join the ESL Announcement List, please send an e-mail to:
Do not put any information in either the subject or message body. You will receive an automatic acknowledgment e-mail informing you that your request has been received. Once the list administrator has admitted your email address to the list, you will receive a "welcome" document. ( Data provided courtesy of Exit EPATexas Comission on Environmental Quality, TCEQ , formerly the Texas Natural Resourse Conservation Comission, TNRCC)



Important !!

This data is provided as a public service only. The ambient air samples taken as a result of this project will serve to provide citizens a general indication of the air quality at their residences (or wherever samples are taken). It should be noted that citizens are taking short duration (three minute) samples which provide limited information on air quality. Therefore, no direct correlation can be made between the sample concentrations determined in this study and the toxicity data provided below.

HGCAMP Analytical Data

Map of HGCAMP Sampling Area

Compound Analyzed Normal Reporting Limits for sample reporting in HGCAMP study *

TNRCC Effects Screening Levels (ESLs) reported in ug/m3 and ppb(7/19/2000)

This data is taken from the TNRCC's ESLs spreadsheet current as of 7/19/2000. No other information about the validity or accuracy of this data is either expressed or implied.

  * reporting limits - the minimum value or concentration of a analyte that will be reported.
Substance or Compound Analyzed * ppbv - parts per billion by volume CAS N0.

Short-term ESL




Long-term ESL



1,1,1-trichloroethaneExit EPA 0.5 ppbv 71-55-6 10800 2000 1080 200  
1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethaneExit EPA 0.5 ppbv 79-34-5 70 10 7 1  
1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethaneExit EPA 0.5 ppbv 76-13-1 38000 5000 3800 500  
1,1,2-trichloroethaneExit EPA 0.5 ppbv 79-00-5 550 100 55 10  
1,1-dichloroethane Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 75-34-3 4000 1000 400 100  
1,1-dichloroethene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 75-35-4 40 10 4 1  
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 120-82-1 400 50 40 5  
1,2,4-trimethylbenzene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 25551-13-7 1250 250 125 25  
1,2-dibromoethane Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 106-93-4 3.8 0.5 0.38 0.05  
1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 76-14-2 69900 10000 6990 1000  
1,2-dichlorobenzene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 95-50-1 1500 250 150 25  
1,2-dichloroethane (24 hour) Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 107-06-2 16 4 4 1  
1,2-dichloroethane Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 107-06-2 160 40 4 1  
1,2-dichloropropane Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 78-87-5 1150 250 115 25  
1,3,5-trimethylbenzene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 108-67-8 1250 250 125 25  
1,3-butadiene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv            
1,3-dichlorobenzene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 541-73-1 2500 415 250 41.5  
1,4-dichlorobenzene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 106-46-7 600 100 60 10  
2,2,4-trimethylpentane (iso-octane) Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 540-84-1 3500 750 350 75  
2-butanone Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv            
4-methyl-2-pentanone Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv            
acetonitrile Exit EPA This compound is no longer available at the present time. 75-05-8 340 200 34 20  
acrylonitrile Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 107-13-1 43 20 4.3 2  
allyl chloride Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 107-05-1 30 10 3 1  
benzene ( 24 hour ) Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 71-43-2 12 4 3 1  
benzene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 71-43-2 75 25 3 1  
benzyl chloride 0.5 ppbv 100-44-7 50 10 5 1  
bromomethane Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv            
carbon tetrachloride Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 56-23-5 126 20 13 2  
chlorobenzene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 108-90-7 460 100 46 10  
chloroethane Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 75-00-3 500 190 50 19  
chloroform Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 67-66-3 98 20 9.8 2  
chloromethane Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 74-87-3 1030 500 103 50  
cis-1,2-dichloroethene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 540-59-0 7930 2000 793 200  
cis-1,3-dichloropropene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 542-75-6 45 10 4.5 1  
dichlorodifluoromethane Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 75-71-8 49500 10000 4950 1000  
ethyl bromide Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 74-96-4 220 50 22 5  
ethylbenzene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 100-41-4 2000 461 200 46.1  
hexachlorobutadiene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 87-68-3 2.1 0.2 0.21 0.02  
hexane n- Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 110-54-3 1760 500 176 50  
hexane , other isomers Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv ------ 3500 1000 350 100  
methylene chloride Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 75-09-2 260 75 26 7.5  
styrene (monomer) Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 100-42-5 110 25 11 2.5  
tetrachloroethene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 127-18-4 340 50 34 5  
toluene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 108-88-3 1880 500 188 50  
trans-1,3-dichloropropene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 542-75-6 45 10 4.5 1  
trichloroethene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 79-01-6 1350 250 135 25  
trichlorofluoromethane Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 75-69-4 28000 5000 2800 500  
vinyl acetate Exit EPA 5.0 ppbv 108-05-4 150 40 15 4  
vinyl bromide Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 593-60-2 220 50 22 5  
vinyl chloride Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 75-01-4 130 50 13 5  
o-xylene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 95-47-6          
p/m-xylene Exit EPA 0.5 ppbv 1477-55-0          
xylene,( mixed or all isomers, except p- )Exit EPA   1330-20-7 3700 850 370 85  
xylene, p- Exit EPA   106-42-3 2079 480 208 48  


About ToxFAQs™
The ATSDR ToxFAQs™ is a series of summaries about hazardous substances developed by theExit EPA ATSDR Division of Toxicology. Information for this series is excerpted from the ATSDR Toxicological Profiles and Public Health Statements. Each fact sheet serves as a quick and easy to understand guide. Answers are provided to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about exposure to hazardous substances found around hazardous waste sites and the effects of exposure on human health.

Each ToxFAQs is available in both the standard HTML format below or in the PDF format which provides the familiar two page print version widely used at community meetings and distributed via our mailing list. This PDF format requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free from the Adobe web site.

NIOSH Research NIOSH Services

TheExit EPA National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the Federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related disease and injury. The Institute is part of theExit EPA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

NIOSH is responsible for conducting research on the full scope of occupational disease and injury ranging from lung disease in miners to carpal tunnel syndrome in computer users. In addition to conducting research, NIOSH:

investigates potentially hazardous working conditions when requested by employers or employees;

makes recommendations and disseminates information on preventing workplace disease, injury, and disability; and

provides training to occupational safety and health professionals.

Other Souces of Environmental Toxicology Data

The Health Effects Notebook for Hazardous Air Pollutants-- Detailed information about the health effects of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) is available in separate fact sheets, for nearly every HAP specified in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.

Exit EPA ToxNet - A network of databases on toxicology, hazadarous chemicals, and related information. This data is provided by U.S. National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894,National Institutes of Health, Department of Health & Human Services.

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