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European Scan
A report on the FHWA/AASHTO international scan of workforce development, titled "European Practices in Transportation Workforce Development" has been released that explores the transportation workforce practices of four European countries. A team of 10 federal and state transportation executives, and representatives from the academic community traveled to Sweden, Germany, France and Great Britain. The team met with 53 government and transportation officials to identify innovative practices for recruiting, developing and retaining qualified transportation workers. The report includes some very interesting perspectives on how these countries develop and train their transportation workforce.
Not surprisingly, these European countries face some of the same issue as the United States, but in many cases their solutions are very different. In Europe, like the United States, the "baby boomers" have peaked and are now poised to leave the workforce. The emerging workforce is more mobile and less hesitant to move to a new job. Workers are more focused on their own development, versus traditional loyalty to an employer.
These countries have also been more focused on transportation education at the high school and undergraduate level to assure a "pipeline" of transportation workers. Germany has a very strong apprenticeship program that is developed cooperatively between the private sector and the school systems. Sweden provides college students in a variety of majors with small scholarships to write their "senior projects" around transportation topics. In Great Britain there also appears to be a closer working relationship between the public and private sectors in training and recruiting workers and technicians.
A copy of the full report may be obtained from the Office of International Programs, Federal Highway Administration, Room 3325, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20590. e-mail address:, web address:

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