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Human Health Medium-Specific
Screening Levels

Welcome to the Region 6 Human Health Media-Specific Screening Level website.  The downloadable tables were developed jointly with DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) under an Interagency Agreement as an update of the EPA Region 3 RBC Table, Region 6 HHMSSL Table and the Region 9 PRG Table.  Regions 3, 6, and 9 have historically published screening values on the internet and worked together to develop a consensus based approach to developing a screening table.  The new tables also include a calculator function.  Please check with your program before using the calculator to determine its appropriateness for your situation and/or site.

The tables were not generated to represent action levels or cleanup levels but rather as technical tools. The responsibility of their use and relevance to site-specific circumstances becomes the responsibility of the person recommending their use and the user of the table.

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See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

Table of Contents: (1) User's Guide, (2) What's New,
(3) FAQ, (4) Equations, (5) Calculator

  PDF (Color) PDF(B+W) Excel (Color) Excel(B+W)
Summary Table (PDF) (11 p, 80.4K) (PDF) (11 p, 75.1K)
Residental Soil Supporting
Industrial Soil Supporting
Residental Air Supporting
Industrial Air Supporting
Residental Tapwaters Supporting
Chemical Specific Parameters
Composite Table




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