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National Partnership for Environmental Priorities logo Region 6 is proud to announce the enrollment of the following facilities in the National Partnership for Environmental Priorities (NPEP). Click below to view partners goals in PDF. (About PDF)

  See the complete list of all EPA NPEP Partners

Photo of EPA presenting NPEP award to Rubicon LLC
Photo of EPA presenting NPEP award to Stemco LP
Division Director, Carl Edlund, presents an NPEP award plaque to the Rubicon LLC. EHS team for enrolling in EPA's NPEP program. Rubicon LLC is a joint venture between the Huntsman and Crompton Corporations. Associate Division Director, Troy Hill, presents an NPEP award plaque to Mr. Larry Minton of Stemco LP for enrolling in EPA's NPEP program.
Photo of EPA presenting NPEP award to Lufkin Industries
Photo of EPA presenting NPEP award to Schirm USA
Associate Division Director, Troy Hill, presents an NPEP award plaque to Lufkin Industries. Associate Division Director, Troy Hill, presents an NPEP award plaque to H. "Gus" Jones, President & CEO of Schirm USA, Inc.
Photo of EPA presenting NPEP award to Dell
npep award issued to UT Medical Branch
Assistant Administrator of OSWER, Susan Bodine and Division Director, Carl Edlund presented an NPEP award plaque to Dell Inc. 6PD Section Chief, Ben Banipal, presents an NPEP award plaque to Ken Steblein, Engineering Specialist, De'Anne Meeh, EHS Consultant, and John D. Stobo, President of UT Medical Branch.
image of npep award to Motiva
Photo of EPA presenting NPEP award to CMC Steel
Director of OSW, Matt Hale, and Division Director, Carl Edlund, present an NPEP award plaque to Fred Goodson, Waste Program Coordinator and Jeff Funkhouser, Production Manager, for Motiva Enterprises. EPA Region 6 presents an NPEP award plaque to Phil Seidenberger, Executive VP and GM of CMC Steel Texas.


To enroll now, visit the NPEP website, or call Lisa Price at (214) 665-6744.

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