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FHWA Order M 1100.1A, Chg. 42 PART II, CH. 7
October 18, 2005



Chapter 7 (Office of Federal Lands Highway
and Federal Lands Highway Divisions)

Section 1. Associate Administrator

  1. What is the mission of the Office of Federal Lands Highway? To provide program administration, engineering, and technical assistance; training of FHWA staff; and development and dissemination of technology relative to transportation serving Federal and Indian lands.

  2. What are the functions of the Office of Federal Lands Highway?
    1. Advocacy. Serves as advocate for Federal agencies and Tribal Governments on transportation issues vital to Federal and Indian lands. Serves as the FHWA focal point for Indian Tribal Governments.

    2. Strategic Planning and Quality. In support of FHWA's Strategic Plan and FHWA's Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs, develops and implements strategic business plans including initiating quality self-assessments, program evaluations, and system and process improvements to continuously improve the quality of transportation programs, products, and services serving Federal and Indian lands.

    3. Legislation, Regulations, Policy, and Guidance. In coordination with FHWA's Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs and Office of Chief Counsel, develops legislative recommendations and administers statutory provisions relating to the administration of the Federal Lands Highway Programs (FLHP), Defense Access Roads (DAR), and Emergency Relief Program for Federal Roads (ERFO). Develops implementing regulations, policies, and guidance. Accomplishes this function jointly with other Federal agencies.

    4. Technology Delivery. Promotes the development of applied research and technology applicable to transportation serving Federal lands. Provides technology delivery and related information and knowledge sharing to Federal agencies, Indian Tribal Governments, and the FHWA's resource centers to promote innovations and best practices.

    5. Outreach and Consultation. Conducts outreach and consults with Federal Lands Highway (FLH) division offices, Federal land agencies, Indian Tribal Governments, State transportation agencies and industry on transportation issues and related matters pertaining to Federal and Indian lands.

    6. Monitoring and Evaluation. Monitors, collects data, and evaluates the performance of the FLHP, including forest highway, park roads and parkways, Indian reservation roads, and refuge roads program categories. Uses results to improve program performance.

    7. Engineering Operations. Develops and manages national policies, standards, and procedures for the design and construction of projects on Federal and Indian lands.

    8. Managing Resources. Provides national direction, coordination and oversight for fiscal, personnel, property, procurement, and related administrative activities for the Federal Lands Highway Program.

    9. Professional Development. Coordinates engineering and related training by Federal Lands Highway to support FHWA career training program, related FHWA professional development initiatives, and other Federal agency training needs.

    10. Stewardship and Oversight. Conducts program/process reviews and implements and monitors recommendations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of programs within the FLHP. Integrates risk management techniques into the oversight function to ensure the effective allocation of resources and attention.

    11. Transportation Planning. In coordination with the FLH's Federal Land Management Agency partners, supports the development of the FLH-related transportation plans that align with metropolitan and statewide transportation improvement plans governed by the Federal-aid program. Develops and coordinates Pavement, Bridge, Safety, and Congestion Management Systems to support program planning and decisionmaking.

  3. The Associate Administrator for Federal Lands Highway provides executive direction over the activities of the following organizational elements:
    1. Office of Program Development

    2. Office of Policy and Program Review

    3. Federal Lands Highway Divisions

Section 2. Office of Program Development

  1. What is the mission of the Office of Program Development? To provide national program administration; maintain design and construction policies, guidance, and standards; and provide national coordination of technology deployment and dissemination for transportation on Federal and Indian lands.

  2. What are the functions of the Office of Program Development?
    1. Program Policy and Procedures. Develops program regulations, policies, and procedures relating to the FLHP, ERFO, and DAR.

    2. Fund Transfers. Authorizes FLHP fund transfers and coordinates allocated funds transfers between the FLH divisions, Federal-aid Divisions (as appropriate), Headquarters, and outside agencies including the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, and Department of Defense.

    3. Federal Agency Collaboration. Collaborates with other Federal agencies in the formulation of policies, goals, and standards for FLH projects.

    4. Tribal Government Contact. Serves as FHWA point of contact for Indian Tribal governments and develops policy and guidance on Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act requirements relative to the Indian Reservation Roads (IRR) program.

    5. Management Systems. Coordinates the development and maintenance of road, pavement, congestion, safety, and bridge management systems and programs relative to the program for FLH projects.

    6. Program Development. Manages the development and implementation of transportation planning, program planning, management techniques, and operating procedures to promote efficiency, effectiveness, safety, and consistency of programs for FLH projects.

    7. Right of Way, Utilities, and Environment. Provides program guidance and management of policies and procedures relative to FLH projects for assuring implementation of: (1) environmental, historic, water resources related laws and regulations, and (2) right-of-way, utilities, and uniform relocation assistance, laws, and regulations.

    8. Program Manuals and Guidance. Prepares and issues manuals and guides on program planning and management, and related administrative areas.

    9. Emergency Preparedness. Coordinates and provides guidance for the Federal Lands Highway Divisions' emergency preparedness activities.

    10. Design Policies and Procedures. Develops, issues, and maintains policies, procedures, and standards and provides guidance for project development and design.

    11. Standard Construction Specifications. Develops, issues and maintains standard specifications for the construction of roads and bridges on FLH projects and for use by other agencies, industry, and foreign countries.

    12. Construction Policies and Procedures. Develops, issues, and maintains contract administration and construction engineering policies, procedures, standards and guides for use on Federal Lands Highway projects and use by other Federal and foreign agencies.

    13. Materials Sampling and Testing. Coordinates the development, issue, and update of policies, procedures and guides for design, sampling and testing for quality control and acceptance of construction materials.

    14. Design Standard Plans. Coordinates the development, issue, and update of standard plans for use on Federal Lands Highway projects.

    15. Benchmarking. Coordinates and obtains input from industry, FLH divisions and other Headquarters offices, and other Agencies to develop new standards and specifications for design and construction of roads and bridges.

    16. Quality Improvement. Coordinates and administers a program for value engineering, improvement of work methods, engineering standards and procedures, materials, and construction specifications.

    17. Technology Deployment. Promotes the development of applied research and technology applicable to transportation serving Federal lands. Provides technology delivery and related information and knowledge sharing to Federal agencies, Indian Tribal governments, Indian Tribal Local Technical Assistance Program centers, and the FHWA Resource Center to promote innovations and best practices.

    18. Professional Development. Coordinates engineering and related training by FLH to support FHWA career training program, related FHWA professional development initiatives, and other Federal Agency training needs.

    19. Program Reports. Prepares, compiles, analyzes, and issues reports on the FLHP, the DAR and other Federal Road systems' conditions and needs, and the ERFO disaster reports.

    20. Technical Assistance. Coordinates and provides technical assistance and training to Federal and foreign agencies.

Section 3. Office of Policy and Program Review

  1. What is the mission of the Office of Policy and Program Review? To develop and negotiate interagency and cooperative agreements for all activities related to the Federal Lands Highway Program (FLHP). In coordination with FHWA's Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs and Office of Chief Counsel, recommends new or revised legislation needed for effective administration of the FLHP, DAR and the (ERFO) program; collaborate with other Federal agencies in the formulation of policies and program procedures for the FLHP; and evaluates programs and processes and documents best practices in response to the needs of FLH customers.

  2. What are the functions of the Office of Policy and Program Review?
    1. Legislative/Program. In coordination with FHWA's Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs and Office of Chief Counsel, develops and evaluates legislative proposals related to the FLHP in cooperation with other FHWA Headquarters offices, the FLH divisions, Federal partner agencies, and other stakeholders. Develops policy and program direction including appropriate regulations to implement and interpret transportation legislation.

    2. Outreach and Communication. Provides a focal point within FLH to reach out to external organizations to establish partnerships throughout the transportation community. Manages FLH's formal partnership agreements in coordination with appropriate FHWA offices. Provides and maintains ongoing communication links with the FLH customers and partners and other constituencies, seeking their views and feedback.

    3. Program Review and Evaluation. Coordinates and assists FLHP Program Managers and FLH divisions in conducting evaluations and/or special surveys of FLH program policies and operations to identify best practices and opportunities to improve effectiveness. Provides for the dissemination of this information throughout FLH. Conducts risk assessment of FLHP elements.

    4. Performance Planning. Champions the effective deployment of the FLH Business Plan. Supports FLH Leadership Team in the development of the FLH Annual Report and the tracking of FLH key business measures.

    5. Civil Rights. Provides support in the development of construction-related Equal Employment Opportunity and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program policies and procedures that are applicable to the FLHP.

    6. Acquisition Management. Provides functional discipline leadership in the area of acquisition in support of FLH divisions and administers the acquisition program in support of the FLHP.

    7. Information Systems and Technology. Develops and manages programs that provide FLH-wide information systems, information technology (IT) support services, IT infrastructure, and internal and external access to support FLH's goals and information needs.

    8. Finance. Provides functional discipline leadership in the area of finance in support of FLH divisions.

    9. Information and Analysis. Serves as the FLH proponent for agencywide use of information and analysis to support quality assessments and program reviews. Assists FLH in identifying appropriate information, processes, and tools.

What are the functions of the Federal Lands Highway Divisions? The Federal Lands Highway (FLH) Divisions, which report to the Headquarters Office of Federal Lands Highway, administer FLH programs (Forest Highways, Park Roads and Parkways, Public Lands, Refuge Roads, and Indian Reservation Roads); the Defense Access Roads Program; and the Emergency Relief Program on Federally Owned Roads; provide engineering related services to other Federal agencies, FHWA offices, and foreign countries as directed; and carry out technology and training activities related to FLH projects. There are three FLH divisions (Eastern, Central, and Western) located in Sterling, Virginia; Lakewood, Colorado; and Vancouver, Washington; respectively. The Division Engineer for the Federal Lands Highway Central Division is appointed as the RETCO for DOT Region 8.

FHWA Order 1100.1A, Chg. 27, Part II, Ch. 7, Office of Federal Lands Highway and Federal Lands Highway Divisions Organizational Chart: Associate Administrator: Side branch to Office of Program Development. Main branch: Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division, Sterling, VA, Central Federal Lands Highway Division, Lakewood, CO, Western Federal Lands Highway Division, Vancouver, WA

Figure 7-1

Map of Federal Lands Regions
Figure 7-2

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