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Development of Precision Agriculture Decision Support Systems for Cotton Production

Mid-South Area, Crop Science Research Laboratory, Mississippi State, MS

Johnie N. Jenkins, James M. McKinion, Jeffrey L. Willers, John J. Read, Sam B. Turner, Ronald E. Britton, Wendell L. Ladner, and Kimber E. Gourley

Current Research

Insect control: Combine remote sensing with insect scouting data, and generate pest-density maps uploaded to a DGPS ground sprayer for variable-rate applications of pesticide and/or plant growth regulator. Impact: Application of technologies that decrease the amount of pesticide applied while maintaining yield potential, reduce environmental impact, and enhance grower profits.

Plant stress: Field and laboratory studies to relate measurements of narrow-waveband spectral reflectance in leaves and canopies to plant stress physiology Impact: Spectral signatures sensitive to specific nutrient and water stresses will enhance our ability to intervene before cotton yield is impaired.

Spatial variability: On-farm research to measure soil type/nutrition, topography, drainage patterns, crop growth and yield in a geo-referenced format to delineate soil/crop management zones within a field. Impact: Management of small land units with the aid of ARS Cotton Model will optimize grower inputs.

Gaps and Challenges

Insect control: Management of large amounts of data promptly and efficiently; inability of current variable-rate controllers to apply a spray prescription at fine spatial scales; expert system to write prescriptions; steep learning curve to become proficient with appropriate GIS and statistical analysis (SAS) software tools.

Insect control: Management of large amounts of data promptly and efficiently; inability of current variable-rate controllers to apply a spray prescription at fine spatial scales; expert system to write prescriptions; steep learning curve to become proficient with appropriate GIS and statistical analysis (SAS) software tools.

Spatial variability: Knowledge of statistical designs that can utilize remotely-measured variables (uncontrolled factors) as covariates with traditional in-field measurements.

Future Research

Insect control: Work with growers, farm consultants, and industry to build spatially- variable insecticide maps completely on site and at minimal cost. Further explore the value of multi-temporal information in remote images. Examine relationship between spider mites and canopy hyperspectral reflectance.

Plant stress: Develop and test spectral algorithms indicative of single and multiple stress factors. Use algorithms to estimate critical levels of physiological constituents (e.g., N, P, K, water ) in plants under stress.

Spatial variability: Use information from multipsectral and hyperspectral images, yield monitors, plant maps, soil analysis, and crop simulation to accurately predict yield, including spatial variability.

National Program 207, Integrated Agricultural Systems Collaborators: Mississippi State University; Remote Sensing Technologies Center, MSU; Hood Farms, Gunnison, MS; Good Farm, Macon, MS; ITD Spectral Visions, Stennis Space Center, MS; GPS Inc., Inverness, MS.
phone: 662-320-7420

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