NASAA Newsroom

The NASAA Newsroom offers a variety of resources to the media, including news releases, speeches, backgrounders and other resources to help reporters understand how state securities regulators protect their residents from investment fraud.

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In the Spotlight:

Dateline NBC: Tricks of the Trade

Some Investors Locked Out of 'Safe' Securities
April 29, 2008

 Listen [3 min 56 sec]

Seniors: Protect Yourself from Unsuitable Investments
ABC Radio Network
April 12, 2008

 Click to listen here


NASAA in the News
State financial regulators don’t see much good in federal overhaul plan (New Hampshire Business Review)
The Feds Can't Do It Alone (The Boston Globe)
Investment adviser title of 'senior' can mislead (The Baltimore Sun)
Seniors: Protect Yourself from Unsuitable Investments (ABC Radio Network)
For Elderly Investors, Instant Experts Abound (The New York Times)
Hold on to Your Nest Egg: Scam Artists Target Seniors' Savings (USA Today)
Investment Seminars Prey on Seniors (Chicago Tribune)
Regulators see more dubious oil, gas deals (Rocky Mountain News)
State regulators defend their authority vigorously (Investment News) 
Marketing firms targeting elderly draw attention from regulators (Investment News)
Investor advocates reject relaxing rules (Associated Press)

Seniors need protection from sales vultures (Investment News)

Cockroaches of the Investment Business (Registered Rep)
Baby Boomers Make Rich Targets (USA Today)
Preying on Seniors (Associated Press)

New defenses urged against elder investment fraud (Dow Jones/MarketWatch)

How to check a broker's background (Boston Globe)
Wachovia to pay $25 mln over research conflicts (Reuters)

Linking CDs to stock index returns has rewards — and risks (USA Today)

Money: Unhappy Returns (Newsweek)

Don't Get Hooked by Investor Scams (The Washington Post)

Financial Scams Expected to Boom as Boomers Age (USA Today)


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