HR Operations

Welcome to the
Human Resources Operations (HRO) Division!

Deborah Mason, Associate Director

HRO serves DOT employees in:

  • Office of the Secretary (OST)
  • Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) HQ


Contact HRO Staff members

HRO Information Directory

Take the OST-HR DOT Exit Survey

OST and RITA (HQ) Human Resources Customer Survey

HRO In-Processing

The OST Office of Human Resource Operations (HRO) goal is to provide accurate and timely services to management, supervisors and the workforce.  The purpose of this site is to better serve our customers by putting information at their fingertips.

Human Resources Operations Newsletter

Human Resources Operations Newsletter, Issue 1 (PDF version) Get Adobe Acrobat Reader here.

Human Resources Operations Newsletter, Issue 2 (Word Format) Get the Microsoft Word Viewer here.

Human Resources Operations Newsletter, Issue 3 (Word Format)

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Last updated: November 19, 2008