Vote Earth

On March 28 hundreds of millions of people in over 4,000 cities and towns in 88 countries voted Earth.


Make your vote count at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in December by recording it and sharing it with the world. Here's how:

Upload your Earth Hour photo to flickr and add it to Earth Hour's flickr group and tag it with your city and country.

Upload your Earth Hour video to YouTube and add it to our YouTube group.

Write a blog post about the event and tag it with earthhour or voteearth, and your location.

Update your Twitter write #earthhour or #voteearth and your #location in your update to tag it.



We need the world to take action on Global Warming. And you can start here. Use Earth Connect to share your thoughts about Global Warming. In the lead up to Copenhagen, your words will be more important than ever before.


Become a part of the Earth Connect network. VOTE EARTH and help spread the word.

Talking Point

Each week, different people will pose a question or topic to spark some discussion about Global Warming. To receive an email when a new topic is posted, you can subscribe here.

The Road to Copenhagen

What do you think can be done to keep the world focused on Climate Change in the lead-up to Copenhagen?

Be part of the Earth Hour - tell your friends, tell your story. Make a difference!

Take Action

Find out what people around the world are doing for Earth Hour and a sustainable future


Get social! Earth Hour Online