In Focus

Nollywood rivals Bollywood in film/video production

Nollywood rivals Bollywood in film/video production

A global cinema survey by UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics (UIS) says that India remains world’s leading film producer but Nigeria is closing the gap after overtaking the United States for second place


World Heritage Review: Earth Heritage

The history of Earth spans some 3.5 billion years. In recognition of the 2008 International Year of Planet Earth, this issue will focus on the world’s geological heritage and help us understand the key.

UNESCO Courier: School for the future

Education for sustainable development is education designed to build our capacities for facing today’s major challenges – preserving the environment, respecting biodiversity, safeguarding human rights – and focused on the future.

Introducing democracy

What is democracy? Is majority rule always democratic? These and other questions are tackled in “Introducing Democracy: 80 Questions and Answers” by David Beetham and Kevin Boyle, with cartoons by Plantu.