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Lead-Based Paint

Lead poisoning in children causes intelligence quotient deficiencies, reading and learning disabilities, impaired hearing, reduced attention span, hyperactivity, and behavior problems; in severe cases it may lead to seizures, coma, and death.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, lead-based paint (LBP) in housing remains the most important source of lead exposure for young children. Poorly-maintained LBP in housing and subsequent contaminated house dust and soils are primary sources of lead poisoning. In an effort to prevent childhood lead poisoning, the LBP Disclosure Rule requires sellers and lessors of target housing, housing built prior to 1978, to disclose LBP information to prospective buyers and lessees, including the resource pamphlet, “Protect Your Family From Lead.”

Picture of home with peeling lead-based paintclose up view of peeling lead-based paint->picture showing close view of home with lead-based paint peeling
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  • DSHS - Texas Department of State Health Services

To determine if target housing is lead-contaminated, EPA has set up a structure of certification and licensing requirements for lead inspectors and risk assessors. The EPA website at http://www.epa.gov/lead/pubs/traincert.htm provides more detailed information regarding the availability of this process. If a home is found to have lead hazards in it and abatement is desired, EPA also maintains a list of certified lead abatement firms who are properly trained in abating the lead. EPA also regulates the training providers who train the certified abatement workers so that the work is done in an environmentally-safe manner.

picture of home with lead-based paint undergoing abatement

EPA also requires that compensated renovators, who disturb more than two square feet of target housing, to provide the “Protect Your Family From Lead” pamphlet to occupants before renovation begins.

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