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Superfund Quick Finder


Tar Creek - Ottawa County, Oklahoma

Site Status Summary(PDF, 4 pp, 40K)

Information Bulletins / Fact Sheets

Tri-State Mining District Chat Mining Waste Fact Sheet (June 2007) (PDF, 5 pp, 64K)
Chat Sales Information Bulletin (June 2008)(PDF, 2 pp, 113K)
Implementation of Remedial Design for OU4 is Underway (April 2009)(PDF, 2 pp, 27K)

Five Year Reviews

April 2000 (PDF, 50 pp, 175K)
September 2005 (PDF, 209 pp, 5.3MB)

Decision Documents

Operable Unit 2 Residential Areas (August 1997) (PDF, 69 pp, 366 K)
Operable Unit 4 (February 2008) (PDF, 161 pp, 4.7 MB)
Transcript - Public Meeting (August 28,2007 (PDF, 52 pp, 997K)
Memorandum of Understanding (May 2003) (PDF, 9 pp, 784K)


Tar Creek, Remedial action OU1, Ground & surface water(PDF, 1 pp, 799K)
Tar Creek, Remedial action OU2, Residential surface soils(PDF, 2 pp, 963K)
Tar Creek, Chat piles, OU4(PDF, 1 pp, 845K)

Chat Sales Resource Tools

Chat Rule (PDF, 23 pp, 161K)
Chat Processing Site Operating Plan (PDF, 6 pp, 72K)
Questions About Mine Tailings (PDF, 2 pp, 29K)
Feedback (PDF, 1 pp, 40K)
Example of Certification Letter (PDF, 2 pp, 31K)
Liability Agreement (October 15, 2008) (PDF, 20 pp, 400K)
Offsite Rule (PDF, 2 pp, 158K)
CERCLA Receiver Needs (PDF, 2 pp, 11K)

Access and Agreement Tools for OU4

Non-Restricted Land:

Consent for Entry and Access to Property(PDF, 2 pp, 72K)
Property Rights Waiver(PDF, 4 pp, 96K)

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