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The Senior Leadership Development Program

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the Senior Leadership program announced last Fall and phase 2 of the senior leadership program?

The second phase of the Senior Leadership Development Program (SLDP2) is for those seeking to advance into Assistant Federal Security Director (AFSD) positions at the K band.   The target positions for the first phase were TSES FSD’s and FAM SACs.

Can I apply to SLDP 2 if I applied to SLDP 1? Also, would I have to fill out another application?

If you were not selected for SLDP 1, you may apply for SLDP 2. You do have to fill out a new application as the target positions are different and you will be assessed against new competencies and other new applicants.

If I submitted an application for a previous DHS or TSA program, can it be utilized for my application to the SLDP?

No.  There are specific requirements for the SLDP.  You will need to follow the instructions on the USAJOBS Web site and submit all documentation to be considered as an applicant for SLDP. 

How many people will be chosen for participation in SLDP2?

Up to 60 participants will be selected for SLDP Phase 2 based on attrition projections and a desire to build sufficient senior leader bench strength for TSA. 

What pay bands are eligible to apply for SLDP2?

TSA employees in a J and K Pay Band or previously occupied a J or K band position are eligible to apply for this program. See application for additional requirements.

If I am currently a AFSD at the K band level can I apply?

Depends. If you are seeking a AFSD/K position outside of your current career track (ex: screening to operations), then you may apply.

Do I have to be currently an AFSD or in that current career track to apply?


Can previous government (not TSA) or corporate experience substitute for band level requirement (minimum J)?


One of the requirements for selection into the program is “previous permanent supervisory experience,” what does that mean?

The SLDP2 requires that a qualified applicant has been a supervisor for at least a total of two years in or outside of government.  TSA defines a supervisory position as a position which (a) involves the accomplishment of work through at least one subordinate employee or (b) directs the work of an organizational unit, but does not include TSA executive-level positions.  A team or work leader, e.g., a lead TSO, is not considered to be a supervisory position.  This supervisory requirement must be documented clearly on the resume and the on-line application. 

What does not meet the requirement for “previous permanent supervisory experience”?

Details to supervisory positions and “Acting” assignments do not count.  Serving as a team leader and managing a project/program which requires oversight and supervision of contract personnel will not meet the requirement for the SLDP.

Will a previously drafted statement about my qualifications for an Executive level program using the Executive Core Qualifications suffice for the narrative competency requirement?

Applicants for the SLDP are required to draft a narrative statement describing their competency levels in five (5) specific leadership competencies: Flexibility, Conflict Management, Leveraging Diversity, Partnering and Team Building.  Applicants who do not submit this statement to OPM will not be considered for selection.

When will I be notified if my application is received?

There are three parts to the application which you submit. The first part is completion of the online questionnaire on the USAJOBS site. The USAJOBS system won’t let you “submit” the questionnaire unless all of the required fields have been filled out. If you submit the questionnaire, and the system accepts it and then displays a message that your online questionnaire has been successfully submitted, you have completed that part of your application. At this point, the system will also let you upload the other two required documents – your resume and Leadership Competency Narratives.  If you have successfully uploaded your resume, the site will show “Resume” under the “documents submitted” section. Finally, you need to upload your responses to the Leadership Competency Narratives under “Qualifications” after you submit your online questionnaire. If you have successfully uploaded your Leadership Competency Narratives, the site will show “Qualifications” under the “documents submitted” section.   Remember that you are still responsible for getting the appropriate forms to your recommending officials and ensuring that s/he submits your recommendation separately via email no later than March 5, 2007 by 11:59 EST.

Is there a long-term commitment involved if I am selected to participate in the SLDP?

SLDP participants have to sign a Continuous Service Agreement and agree to stay with TSA or DHS for at least three years after completing the program.

What does continuous service mean?  

The requirement for program participants to sign a Continuous Service Agreement means that upon completion of the program the participant must remain with TSA or DHS without a break in service (retaining federal employment status) for three (3) years following program completion.  If a participant leaves before the conclusion of the three years, the participant must reimburse to the government a pro-rated share of the non-salary expenses incurred in the developmental program, e.g., travel, per diem, and tuition dollars.  A copy of the TSA Continuous Service Agreement can be found at

Who will serve as members for Senior Leadership Development Program (SLDP) interview panels? 

Two TSA Senior Leaders and one OPM staff member. TSA’s Executive Resources Council will ratify the final selections.

When will the interviews take place and will the interviews be in person or by telephone for the SLDP2?  

Current plans call for the interviews to take place during the week of April 30th.  All interviews will be conducted by telephone.

When will I hear if I have been accepted as a participant in the SLDP2?

Notifications to those selected for participation in the SLDP are expected to go out in Late May/Early June 2007.

Will I get any feedback if I am not accepted as a program participant for the SLDP2?

One of the unique features of the TSA selection process for the SLDP is that applicants who meet basic qualifications but are not selected will be provided feedback about the competencies (assessed in the selection process) which need improvement to support self-development. 

If I am selected for the SLDP2, when will the actual program begin?

The current timetable calls for the SLDP Orientation to be held in the Washington, D.C. area the week of June 25th.

Why does the SLDP development program run from 8-12 months? 

It is anticipated that program participants will alternate program requirements with work in their current positions of record.  Each participant’s Individual Development Plan (IDP) will be tailored to his or her specific needs.  While the minimum time frame for all required components is five months, it is highly unlikely that a program participant could complete all program requirements within that time frame.  TSA desires to develop its bench strength in an effective and efficient manner while maintaining operational effectiveness.

How much money is allocated for the development of each participant?

It depends on many factors. Costs include a high-level education program which is chosen based on learning objectives for each program participant.  The costs of the developmental assignments are dependent on where the developmental assignments take place.  TSA is making a significant financial investment in each person.

Will the two temporary assignments (one for 30 days and one for 60 days) be local, i.e., within (reasonable) commuting distance, or would they normally be in the DC area and who will pay for travel costs?

There are no location requirements for details, though we do expect that the assignments complement what is called your “individual development plan” (IDP), which identifies the skills and competencies you would be developing for the program.  To maximize the development opportunities most, if not all, participants will be taking temporary assignments outside their regular duty station.  The SLDP will also off-set costs for housing/travel for these assignments. The amounts will depend on your situation.

If selected for SLDP2 and you complete the program are you guaranteed a higher level position?

No. Program graduates should be more competitive than they were at the start of the program.  However, each employee must apply for positions for which they wish to be considered.  Program graduates would likely indicate that they had completed the TSA SLDP on their resume, but that does not guarantee selection.

Why are only some leadership positions targeted (i.e., the field)?

The Executive Resources Council agreed with the Senior Leadership Development Subcommittee’s recommendation to phase in target positions.  In this way, TSA had a better chance for an effective program.  TSA senior managers determined the most urgent need was in our top-level field positions, which comprise the majority of TSA’s leadership positions. In addition, lessons learned from each phase can be incorporated to improve subsequent phases of the program.  In subsequent phases additional positions in both field and headquarters may be targeted.

Why can’t part-time employees be part of the program?  

Given the size of the agency investment and the difficulty of having part-time employees complete full-time developmental assignments, TSA decided to follow the typical federal model and limit the program to full-time permanent employees.

What was the rationale for requiring two years experience with TSA for Phase 2 of SLDP?

TSA believes that it is important for participants to have an established career commitment to TSA and to be grounded in the agency culture before engaging in a development program that requires signing a continued service agreement. 

By what date must my two-year anniversary with TSA be completed to be eligible for the program?

The requirement is that someone must have two years experience by March 5, 2007.

Will TSA management have to select SLDP participants for AFSD (K) vacancies?  

No, both SLDP participants and other qualified employees will be able to bid on advertised positions.  SLDP Participants must apply for any vacancy desired.

When Senior Leader vacancies occur, will it be more difficult to make a selection of someone who is not a SLDP2 participant?  

TSA continues to believe that the selecting official for all vacancies should choose the best candidate available for any given position.  One of the goals of the program is to provide better-prepared internal candidates for all executive and senior leader vacancies.

Will the SLDP be offered annually? 

Annually, we will analyze whether there is sufficient bench strength available for projected vacancies.  The results will be provided to the Executive Resources Council to determine where to allocate resources for subsequent leadership development programs. 

Do you foresee that in the future, completion of the Mid-Level program is likely to be a prerequisite for selection into the SLDP?  


What if you get applicants who are within three years of retirement eligibility? 

All qualified applicants will be considered regardless of retirement eligibility.

Can this program reimburse me for previous leadership programs I have paid for on my own in the past year, e.g., from a local college or university?


How does management deal with the workload of participants while they are away in training or developmental assignments?  

You must work with your supervisor to address this situation.  There may be some exchanges/job swaps, i.e., one program participant backfills for another.  TSA management considers that each time someone is “away from the job,” there is an opportunity for another person either locally or elsewhere to backfill the position and to learn from the temporary experience.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?

The SLDP program is managed centrally by the Office of Human Capital at TSA Headquarters. The program email is: or you can contact the Lead Program Managers; Elizabeth McGovern (571) 227-3608 or John Bartolomeo at (571) 227-3501.