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Mar/Apr 2009 • Vol 15, No.2
Jason Hao, DOM:
Pioneering the Use of Scalp Acupuncture
to Transform Healing

Current Issue

This issue’s theme is natural products for health. In addition to original research on the effects of valerian on sleepiness and symptom severity in people with restless legs syndrome and cranberry constituents for Streptococcus mutans, this issue contains a guest editorial by Mark Blumenthal on the efficacy of popular herbs and phytomedicines.

Articles from this issue include:

  • The Doctor’s Dilemma: Healthcare Reform and Integrative Medicine
  • The Right Order of Things: Peeling the Onion of Chronic Disease
  • Relative Bioavailability Comparison of Different Coenzyme Q10 Formulations With a Novel Delivery System
  • Metabolic Cardiology: The Missing Link in Cardiovascular Disease
  • Effects of Dried Cruciferous Powder on Raising 2/16 Hydroxyestrogen Ratios in Premenopausal Women
  • A Possible Central Mechanism in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Part 3: The Role of Excitotoxin Food Additives and the Synergistic Effects of Other Environmental Toxins

To view the full table of contents,
click here.

Breaking News From InnoVision

IOM Summit Provides Models for Health Reform

Before one of the largest and most diverse audiences ever assembled at the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the Summit on Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public held this week brought forth emerging strategies for addressing some of the major problems inherent in our current healthcare system. The goal: improved care for less cost. To read the full press release, click here.

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