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Disaster Assistance at a Glance

Recent Disaster Declarations:

OFDA Response:
Relief commodities

OFDA Preparedness:
Disaster preparedness, capacity building

Latest OFDA Report:
South Asia - Flood Fact Sheet #2 (60kb PDF)

Map of India

Most Recent Disaster Declaration:
Floods, 08-28-2008

On August 18, following heavy monsoon rains, the Saptakoshi River broke through an embankment in Nepal, changing course and causing flooding in southeastern Nepal and neighboring Bihar state in northeastern India. As of August 28, flooding had occurred in 13 districts of Bihar, affecting approximately 2.1 million people in more than 1,000 villages. According to Bihar State officials, at least 47 people died as a result of the flooding, and hundreds of others were reported missing. On August 28, the Bihar Disaster Management minister reported that flood waters stranded more than 1 million people in Supual, Madhepura, and Araria districts, leaving residents without clean drinking water and food. According to the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, due to the sudden onset of floods, evacuation activities were slow to start and rescue equipment and boats were in short supply. Flooding also damaged infrastructure and inundated an estimated 90,000 acres of agricultural land, destroying crops.

On August 28, U.S. Ambassador David C. Mulford issued a disaster declaration due to the impact of flooding in India. In response, USAID/OFDA provided $100,000 through USAID/India to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund and Catholic Relief Services to support rescue efforts and the procurement and delivery of emergency relief supplies to populations affected by the flooding.

Additional Disaster Declaration:
Floods, 08-07-2007

Exceptionally heavy monsoon rains since June led to widespread flooding, particularly impacting 12 states in India. Floods killed at least 1,103 people and affected approximately 18.7 million others, according to the Government of India (GOI). Beginning in late July, flooding impacted Assam, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh states, affecting more than 6 million people in Bihar State alone. The GOI and state governments addressed the needs of affected populations, with some support of local and international non-governmental organizations. The GOI sent an assessment team to Assam and Bihar states to determine additional needs

On August 7, U.S. Ambassador David C. Mulford declared a disaster due to the cumulative effects of the flooding. In response, OFDA provided $50,000 through USAID/India to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund to help meet the emergency needs of flood-affected populations. An OFDA Regional Advisor conducted assessments in conjunction with USAID/India and implementing partners.

For information on additional USAID disaster responses, please see OFDA Annual Reports.

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