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Patuxent Research Refuge
National Wildlife Visitor Center 
Tram Tours


Click here for details on the tram vehicle

Enjoy a half-hour guided tour through forest, meadows, and wetlands around the National Wildlife Visitor Center. The tram is a 40 passenger, all-electric, open-air vehicle which provides a unique type of access to the wildlife and their habitats at the Patuxent Research Refuge.

Tram Tours are seasonal - spring through fall only - and are weather dependent. Scheduling and fee information is provided below. The schedules below are subject to change.

Public Tram Tours:
Public tours are available weekends (mid-March through mid-November) and daily (summer).
FEES: $3 (adults), $2 (seniors 55 and over), and $1 (children 12 and under).
Weekend Schedule: 11:30, 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00 on a first-come, first-serve basis
Weekday Schedule: (Summer Only - June 22 thru August 15, 2009)
    11:30, 1:00, 2:30

Reserved Tram Tours:
Schools and other group tours:
The tram may be reserved by schools and other groups for a typical daytime tour for a fee of $60 per tour as follows:
Weekdays (School Year):
Preferred reservation times are: 10:15, 11:00 and 11:45. Other times may also be accommodated.
Weekdays (Summer):
Preferred reservation time is 10:30 AM. The tram may also be reserved at public times (11:30 AM) with the understanding that any empty seats can be sold to others who are interested.

Specialty Tram Tours
Specialty Tram tours are tours conducted at non-traditional times (such as evening tours after normal operating hours) or tours that are specifically tailored for a special audience. These tours may require special expertise from the guide and may be longer than a typical tour with possible stops along the way to provide extra opportunities for birding, photography, or similar interests. Such tours may be especially attractive to motor coach tour groups and could be combined with shopping at the Wildlife Images Bookstore and exhibit exploration in the National Wildlife Visitor Center. Specialty Tours may be arranged by calling 301-497-5766 or 301-497-5763. The fee for a specialty tour is $200 for up to 40 people.

Reservation Information: The tram may be reserved by calling (301)497-5763 or by completing a school or group request form. Reservation checks should be made payable to the "Friends of Patuxent"*, c/o National Wildlife Visitor Center, 10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop, Laurel, MD 20708-4027. Payment must be received at least two weeks prior to the reserved date. Cancellations may be made one week before the reservation date. If, for any reason (such as weather), the tram is canceled by the Refuge, a full refund will be given.

*The Friends of Patuxent, a tax-exempt public charity, operates the tram to support programs of the Patuxent Research Refuge and USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.