Title 34--Education



TEXT PDF370.1 What is the Client Assistance Program (CAP)?
TEXT PDF370.2 Who is eligible for an award?
TEXT PDF370.3 Who is eligible for services and information under the CAP?
TEXT PDF370.4 What kinds of activities may the Secretary fund?
TEXT PDF370.5 What regulations apply?
TEXT PDF370.6 What definitions apply?
TEXT PDF370.7 What shall the designated agency do to make its services accessible?
TEXT PDF370.10 When do the requirements for redesignation apply?
TEXT PDF370.11 What requirements apply to a notice of proposed redesignation?
TEXT PDF370.12 How does a designated agency preserve its right to appeal a redesignation?
TEXT PDF370.13 What are the requirements for a decision to redesignate?
TEXT PDF370.14 How does a designated agency appeal a written decision to redesignate?
TEXT PDF370.15 What must the Governor of a State do upon receipt of a copy of a designated agency's written appeal to the Secretary?
TEXT PDF370.16 How does the Secretary review an appeal of a redesignation?
TEXT PDF370.17 When does a redesignation become effective?
TEXT PDF370.20 What must be included in a request for a grant?
TEXT PDF370.30 How does the Secretary allocate funds?
TEXT PDF370.31 How does the Secretary reallocate funds?
TEXT PDF370.40 What are allowable costs?
TEXT PDF370.41 What conflict of interest provision applies to employees of a designated agency?
TEXT PDF370.42 What access must the CAP be afforded to policymaking and administrative personnel?
TEXT PDF370.43 What requirement applies to the use of mediation procedures?
TEXT PDF370.44 What reporting requirement applies to each designated agency?
TEXT PDF370.45 What limitation applies to the pursuit of legal remedies?
TEXT PDF370.46 What consultation requirement applies to a Governor of a State?
TEXT PDF370.47 When must grant funds be obligated?
TEXT PDF370.48 What are the special requirements pertaining to the protection, use, and release of personal information?

