Title 34--Education



TEXT PDF361.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF361.2 Eligibility for a grant.
TEXT PDF361.3 Authorized activities.
TEXT PDF361.4 Applicable regulations.
TEXT PDF361.5 Applicable definitions.
TEXT PDF361.10 Submission, approval, and disapproval of the State plan.
TEXT PDF361.11 Withholding of funds.
TEXT PDF361.12 Methods of administration.
TEXT PDF361.13 State agency for administration.
TEXT PDF361.14 Substitute State agency.
TEXT PDF361.15 Local administration.
TEXT PDF361.16 Establishment of an independent commission or a state rehabilitation council.
TEXT PDF361.17 Requirements for a state rehabilitation council.
TEXT PDF361.18 Comprehensive system of personnel development.
TEXT PDF361.19 Affirmative action for individuals with disabilities.
TEXT PDF361.20 Public participation requirements.
TEXT PDF361.21 Consultations regarding the administration of the state plan.
TEXT PDF361.22 Coordination with education officials.
TEXT PDF361.23 Requirements related to the statewide workforce investment system.
TEXT PDF361.24 Cooperation and coordination with other entities.
TEXT PDF361.25 Statewideness.
TEXT PDF361.26 Waiver of statewideness.
TEXT PDF361.27 Shared funding and administration of joint programs.
TEXT PDF361.28 Third-party cooperative arrangements involving funds from other public agencies.
TEXT PDF361.29 Statewide assessment; annual estimates; annual State goals and priorities; strategies; and progress reports.
TEXT PDF361.30 Services to American Indians.
TEXT PDF361.31 Cooperative agreements with private nonprofit organizations.
TEXT PDF361.32 Use of profitmaking organizations for on-the-job training in connection with selected projects.
TEXT PDF361.34 Supported employment State plan supplement.
TEXT PDF361.35 Innovation and expansion activities.
TEXT PDF361.36 Ability to serve all eligible individuals; order of selection for services.
TEXT PDF361.37 Information and referral programs.
TEXT PDF361.38 Protection, use, and release of personal information.
TEXT PDF361.39 State-imposed requirements.
TEXT PDF361.40 Reports.
TEXT PDF361.41 Processing referrals and applications.
TEXT PDF361.42 Assessment for determining eligibility and priority for services.
TEXT PDF361.43 Procedures for ineligibility determination.
TEXT PDF361.44 Closure without eligibility determination.
TEXT PDF361.45 Development of the individualized plan for employment.
TEXT PDF361.46 Content of the individualized plan for employment.
TEXT PDF361.47 Record of services.
TEXT PDF361.48 Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities.
TEXT PDF361.49 Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for groups of individuals with disabilities.
TEXT PDF361.50 Written policies governing the provision of services for individuals with disabilities.
TEXT PDF361.51 Standards for facilities and providers of services.
TEXT PDF361.52 Informed choice.
TEXT PDF361.53 Comparable services and benefits.
TEXT PDF361.54 Participation of individuals in cost of services based on financial need.
TEXT PDF361.55 Annual review of individuals in extended employment and other employment under special certificate provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
TEXT PDF361.56 Requirements for closing the record of services of an individual who has achieved an employment outcome.
TEXT PDF361.57 Review of determinations made by designated State unit personnel.
TEXT PDF361.60 Matching requirements.
TEXT PDF361.61 Limitation on use of funds for construction expenditures.
TEXT PDF361.62 Maintenance of effort requirements.
TEXT PDF361.63 Program income.
TEXT PDF361.64 Obligation of Federal funds and program income.
TEXT PDF361.65 Allotment and payment of Federal funds for vocational rehabilitation services.
TEXT PDF361.80 Purpose.
TEXT PDF361.81 Applicable definitions.
TEXT PDF361.82 Evaluation standards.
TEXT PDF361.84 Performance indicators.
TEXT PDF361.86 Performance levels.
TEXT PDF361.88 Reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF361.89 Enforcement procedures.

