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All American Red Cross programs, including disaster reilef, are made possible through the generosity and committment of people like you. You do it through your direct donations and/or planned gifts. The American Red Cross, including the Rock River Chapter, honors donor intent, meaning that whether you donate to the local chapter of the national American Red Cross, your funds will be properly directed to the intended recipients.

If you have any questions, please call Stephanie at Rock River Chapter at (815)963-8471.

Direct Donations
We accept cash and checks by phone, through the mail and at our office at 727 N. Church St., Rockford, IL 61103. We also accept credit card contributions which can be made online by using our secure online form below:

Planned Gifts
These gifts through wills, life insurance, pooled income funds and charitible trusts. With the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping others, but you could possibly have the added benefit of tax savings.

You can name the Rock River Chapter of the American Red Cross as a beneficiary in your will. You're free to designate the bequest by a specific amount, a percentage or some other manner. By naming a charity in your will, you control your assets during your lifetime and can reduce the death tax calculation on your estate.

Life Income Gift
You can transfer assets to the American Red Cross while retaining the right to use the assets during your lifetime. You are able to utilize this gift as a current income tax deduction.

Gift of Life Insurance
You can donate either paid-in-full or ongoing-payment life insurance policies to the local chapter to help support programs and services. This gift can be used as an income tax deduction.

Gift of Retirement Assets (IRA,401k, etc.)
You can name the Rock River Chapter as the beneficiary of your retirement plans. With this gift, you can avoid double taxation on your income and estate.

Pooled Income Fund
Your gift of money, marketable securities or both can be invested together with similar gifts from other supporters. The contribution can serve as an income tax deduction.

Charitable Lead Trust
You can create a trust so that income is annually provided, from cash or investments, to the local chapter for whatever number of years you desire. When the trust's term expires, the assets revert back to you. With the charitable lead trust you have the benefits of ownership and tax deduction

The American Red Cross is not a government agency and all Red Cross disaster assistance is free, thanks to the generosity of people like you. Contributions to the American Red Cross, a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, are deductible for computing income and estate taxes.