Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Volpe Center Highlights


Focus | Workshops | New Role for Dr. Richard R. John | Safety
Mobility | Global Connectivity | Environmental Stewardship | Security
Organizational Excellence | Highlighting Volpe Experts | Awards
Published and Presented

Facilitating Knowledge Exchange

A recent workshop hosted at the Volpe Center addressed a timely and important topic -- cleanup and recovery of passenger transportation facilities after a bioattack. Current emergency response plans focus primarily on the ability to detect, identify, and respond to bioattacks so as to manage and mitigate public health impacts. But to thwart the goals of bio-terrorists and saboteurs, it is essential that we prepare and plan for appropriate, cost-effective, and rapid cleanup and remediation of contaminated facilities as well.

The workshop participants discussed how to be better prepared -- prepared to anticipate networkwide effects on transportation operations, to minimize economic damages, and to respond to public shock and psychological trauma. Participants gained a better understanding of the need for relevant biodefense research and technology, policy, and programs.

An earlier roundtable forum brought federal and local experts to the Center to discuss existing port security practices in the Boston Harbor region. Subsequent forums will tackle other significant challenges to the transportation community as it works to improve mobility and capacity while ensuring safety and security.On a much larger scale, the Transportation Research Board's annual meeting provides ample opportunity for knowledge sharing, and the Center's participation exemplifies our diverse support to the DOT across all modes and strategic goals. The contributions of Volpe staff members are summarized in this issue of Highlights.

This issue also continues coverage of the Center's ongoing pursuit of organizational excellence. As the need for highly qualified federal employees continues to grow, the Volpe Center is able to recruit talented students from local communities, which further enhances the Center's ability to provide its clients with creative solutions to complex problems.