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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Safety Information
Environmental Management System
E-rase your E-waste
Employee Resources
Weather Stations

Community Info.
Related Links



NPARL's Safety Information

NPARL is committed to protecting our employees, our workplace, the community, and the environment.  Below is both information and additional pages that contain further details, as well as, materials to download.



E-rase Your E-waste!  Check out our latest e-cycling results! 


Environmental Management System Plan


Weather Related Safety Information


Helpful Links


Employee Assistance Program


For questions, comments, or more information contact NPARL's Safety Officer, Jackie Couture, by email: or phone: 1.406.433.9422.



E-rase Your E-waste!

Photograph from Ewaste event.This web page provides planning and other information to anyone interested in recycling electronic waste in their local community. It describes how a small town in eastern Montana developed and hosted its own “E-rase your E-waste” event, and how you can do it, too. It even provides some ready-made promotional materials for general use, as well as samples of letters, brochures and posters from the original event to spur your own ideas.  Click here for the E-rase Your E-waste page!




Environmental Management System Plan (EMS)

The USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory (NPARL) in Sidney, MT conducts research on soil and water stewardship and the biological and cultural management of insects, pathogens and weeds within production systems that enhance profitability and environmental quality. In keeping with this stewardship emphasis, NPARL established its Environmental Management System (EMS) in October 2005 and updates it annually in accordance with Executive Order (E.O.) 13423 entitled “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, ensuring that it also conforms to International Standard Organization (ISO) 14001 standards. On this page you will find more information regarding the EMS policy statement, employee responsibilities, materials to download, and helpful links. 
Click here for the Environmental Management System (EMS) page!




Weather Related Safety Information

Information about staying safe all year:

Montana ARS Lab Recognized As NWS StormReady Supporter

Storm Ready logo.

NPARL was recognized August 10th as a "StormReady Supporter by the National Weather Service (NWS). In announcing the award, Tanja Fransen of the Glasgow, MT weather forecast office noted: "The USDA station in Sidney has been extremely pro-active over the last few years in being prepared, not just for hazards within the facility but also to help with preparedness activities within the community. USDA safety officer Jackie Couture is the chair of the Richland County Local Emergency Planning Committee and actively involved with the Community Emergency Response Team. This is just a natural extension of all the great work they have been doing to help with preparedness in their workplace and the community." The Sidney, MT, ARS lab regularly hosts severe weather training courses and winter weather safety programs for both its employees and the community at large. Fifteen NPARL employees have been certified as NWS weather spotters. NPARL completed a series of rigorous warning criteria necessary to earn the distinction of being the first Storm Ready Supporter in Montana and only the 17th in the nation. The Sidney, MT, research facility is also the only ARS facility in the nation to be recognized.

Helpful Links

Environmental Management System:

 Energy Star

 Energy Savers

 Calculate your Carbon Foot Print

 Lower your Carbon Foot Print

 Procurement Programs

 Great Green Goods

 Green Power Partnership

 Green Home guide


Hazardous Materials:

 EPA: Training with Pesticide Applicators

 Hazardous Material Code Identification


 Hazmat 101

 Material Safety Data Sheets

 Niosh pocket guide

 Organic Solvents

 Occupational Chemical Database


 Pesticide Information

 Pesticide Waste Disposal Program

 Radiation Safety


 Brown Recluse Spider

 CDC: West Nile Virus

 Food Safety Inspection Service

 Healthy Computing

 Infectious Diseases

 Hantavirus Information

 Men's Health & Safety

 MT West Nile Surveillance Project


Labor Laws:

 AFM: REE Admin. Issuances

 AFM: Office of Workers' Compensation

 Child Labor Law (DOL)

 Employing Teen Workers (OSHA)

 Employing Youth (DOL)

 US Dept. of Labor-Worker Compensation


 MT Dept. of Environmental Quality


MT Dept. of Environmental Quality

 Household Hazardous Waste

 Environmental Health

 Polution Prevention



 AFM-Safety, Health & Environ. Mgmt.

 AFM-Safety, Health & Environ. Videos

 ARS: Biosafety

 ARS Emergency Readiness

 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


 Ergonomics for farmers

 Grain & Silage Safety

 Latex Safety

 Occupational Safety & Health Admin. 

    OSHA Health Guidelines

    • OSHA Training 

    • OSHA Safety Health Bulletins  

 Hazardous Waste Manifest System

 Safety Alerts: Recalls

 Skid Steer Safety

 USDA Safety & Health Office

 US Dept. of Homeland Security

 USDA Quality of Work Life Division

 Women's Health & Safety


 Security – Dept. of Homeland Security 

 TSA: Traveler guidelines


 Montana Road Condition Reports/Maps

 National Weather Service-Glasgow, MT

 North Dakota Road Conditions Map

 NOAA Storm Ready Supporters

 Sun Safety

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

We all experience personal problems, but many people don't know where to go for help to solve them.  The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) was established to give employees the necessary resources to cope with life's difficulties.  You are the more important asset to our business and for that reason we want to help you solve your problems both on and off the job so that you are happier, more focused and consequently more productive.

EAP counselors are prepared to help you deal with a multitude of problems.  Whether you visit us for emotional, relationship, alcohol, drug, financial or job concerns, we are here to help you solve them.  All EAP services are free to you, and in most cases your immediate family members.  If you need additional resources, we will help you find affordable care through your health plan or community. 

EAP services are confidential within the limits of the law and in most cases, information will only be released with your written premission.  Your counselor will review confidentiality issues with you during your first visit.  Remember the EAP is ready to help and all you have to do is:

Call 1-800-222-0364 or Visit our Website at


It's free and confidential.

Provided by Federal Occupational Health a component of the U.S. Public Health Service Department of Health and Human Services.



Last Modified: 09/29/2008
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