The Oklahoma Water Resources Board The Water Agency

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Meetings & Events

May 12 Board Meeting
May 14-15 OCWP Water Science Seminar (OKC)
June 9 Board Meeting
July 14 Board Meeting
November 3-5 Governor's Water Conference


From the Director

Water Board Approves First Stimulus Water Projects

Oklahoma Water Conservation Grant Program Recipients


Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan

Federal Stimulus Funding

Arbuckle-Simpson Hydrology Study

2009 OCWP Status Report

Water Well Record Search

Interactive Groundwater Level Map

How to Obtain a Water Use Permit

Governor's Water Conference

Oklahoma Water Atlas Online

Oklahoma Water News Newsletter

Oklahoma Water Resources Bulletin

Water Information Mapping System (WIMS)

Flood Map Modernization

Floodplain Administrator Guidebook

Water Resource Maps

OWRB Stream Systems

Oklahoma Water Watch Volunteer Monitoring

OCWP Video

National Wetlands Inventory Maps

Arbuckle Study Data Viewer

View Water Use Permit Applications

BUMP Report

Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan

Oklahoma Water Atlas online

Water Information Mapping System

Oklahoma Water News

Oklahoma Water Resources Bulletin

top contact OWRB water related links disclaimer
Oklahoma Water Resources Board
3800 North Classen Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
405-530-8900 (fax)
Visit, the Oklahoma State Portal
©1998-2009, Oklahoma Water Resources Board
Page last updated: May 06, 2009

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