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Questions and Answers

Transit Security Grant Program Tier I FY 2008

Conferences and Workshops Questions and Answers

Workshop Questions and Answers (DOC, 52 KB)

Conference Call Questions and Answers

10/08/08 Conference Call

When will DHS release funds for the FY08 awards?

The awards are currently undergoing financial and environmental reviews. There is a bit of a backlog. Grant funds will be released on an award-by-award basis once the financial and environmental reviews are complete.

Are Environmental Historical Preservation (EHP) Reviews required for each project?

Yes, an EHP review is required on each project. You must submit a separate request for an EHP review for each project under consideration. A very detailed Statement of Work (SOW) that discusses how you will approach the EHP along with maps or other supplemental materials must accompany each request.

What is a Categorical Exclusion (CatEx)? How does it apply to Transportation Security Grant Program (TSGP) awards?

If it is determined that a particular project such as training or brochures will have no environmental impact, you may apply for a Categorical Exclusion (CatEx). CatExs are available for simple projects that can be excluded from EHP review. Some examples of types of projects where CatEx would not apply include any projects that involve new construction, digging or the disturbance of ground.

Is a cost match required in FY09?

The FY09 Appropriation, signed by the President on September 30, 2008, has eliminated the cost match for FY09 and retroactively eliminated the cost match as a requirement for FY08. We are currently reviewing the language of the bill and will issue an Information Bulletin (IB) to provide you with information concerning how the elimination of the cost match will affect your FY08 projects and options available for your agencies as soon as we can.

Will the TSGP grants be awarded directly to the transit agencies in FY09?

Yes, the FY09 Appropriation bill specifies that the grants will go directly to the transit agency.

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08/27/08 Conference Call

When will the results of the Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) Tier II 2008 recompete be announced?

Awards will be announced by September 12, 2008.

How does this delay affect award performance – what is the period of performance?

The period of performance (POP) for the recompete is the same as for the original grants. The POP is for 36 months, and began on August 1, 2008. You will be reimbursed for activities beginning August 1st for both Tier II projects approved under the base allocation and the recompete.

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07/31/08 Conference Call

Is an agenda available for the After-Action Conference (AAC)?

For making travel arrangements, we will send out a tentative agenda as soon as possible. A final agenda will be sent out when the breakout sessions have been finalized.

When will the Tier II agencies receive award notifications?

As soon as the final recompete funding decisions have been made, all of the awards will be released at once. They will probably be released in mid-August.

In 2007, a separate ferry supplemental was issued, but one was not released in 2008. In the future, will there be more grant opportunities for ferries?

In 2008, ferry systems were eligible to participate in the Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) or the Port Security Grant Program. In the TSGP, ferry systems could join their Tier I Regional Transit Security Working Group (RTSWG) and submit projects as part of the cooperative agreement process. If you did not apply through the TSGP, you could have applied through the Port Security Grant Program. Currently, we don't envision changing the process in 2009.

Are there Tier I breakout sessions at the AAC?

Yes, there will be breakout sessions for Tier I. Please go to
to see the breakout session topics. If you plan on attending, please e-mail us your top five choices at

Are the AAC topics the same for Tier I and Tier II?

Yes, the topics are the same, but the descriptions may be slightly different because we have different feedback we'd like to solicit from each tier due to the differences between the Tier I and Tier II process.

My agency is in Tier II. Should we attend both the Tier I and Tier II conferences?

Your agency should attend the Tier II conference. You are welcome to attend the Tier I conference if you'd like but the same content is being discussed each day, tailored to each tier.

Can costs associated with attending the AAC be eligible for reimbursement under a TSGP grant?

Yes, those costs can be charged as Management and Administrative (M&A) costs. Costs for travel and lodging can be charged to any grant year.

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07/02/08 Conference Call

When will the fiscal year (FY) 2008 funds be available?

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is processing the awards now. There is no final date for release. We expect them to be released before the end of August.

To when will the grants be backdated? When will the period of performance for the FY 2008 grants begin?

We anticipate that the period of performance will start August 1st for the FY 2008 transit security grants. The start date will not be finalized until we get closer to when the awards will be released.

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06/18/08 Conference Call

Can you please provide background information on the $6 million and why it was made available?

The reason has to do with the outcome of the original review of applications. When the original set of applications was reviewed by the National Review Panel (NRP), they approved about $17 million worth of requests for Tier II. Secretary Chertoff decided that some of the funds left over from the TSGP should be applied to Tier II instead of all remaining funds being reassigned to Tier I. The recompete amount is $6 million so that Tier II transit agencies receive approximately the same amount of funding in fiscal year 2008 as in fiscal year 2007.

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06/12/08 Conference Call

Does an agency that was awarded funds from the initial FY08 TSGP process have to include the list of previously awarded projects in their Recompete application?

No, they do not have to include a list of previously funded projects in their Recompete application.

Do applications for the Recompete need to go through the SAA?

Yes, Recompete applications must be submitted to GMS by the SAA.

When will Tier II transit agencies know the exact award amount they received from the initial FY08 TSGP?

The SAA will be notified sometime in July. It is then the responsibility of the SAA to notify the transit agency of their award.

Will the written award sent to the SAAs in July detail the exact award numbers for each project?

Yes, the GAN will detail that out.

Are agencies not listed in the FY08 TSGP Program Guidance and Application Kit eligible to apply for the Recompete?

No, they are not. Only Tier II agencies listed on page 17 of the FY08 TSGP Program Guidance and Application Kit are eligible for the Recompete.

Is there a way to confirm that DHS received all applications submitted by a transit agency to their SAA?

Email and copy before the Recompete June 23, 2008 closing date for verification of application receipt to ensure you are able to supplement/re-submit any part of an application.

Has the 90 day Investment Justification (IJ) clock begun ticking?

For Tier I transit agencies, the 90 day clock for IJs began on the May 16, 2008 announcement date. Tier I IJs are due on August 15, 2008.

How will transit agencies receive notice of their Recompete award?
DHS will announce how much funding each agency received on both the web and in a press release. The SAA will notify Tier II transit agencies as to the exact details of their award.

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06/10/08 Conference Call

Who submits the applications to GMS, the SAAs or the transit agencies?

All applications should come through the SAAs.

From where did the additional $6 million for the Recompete come?

The FY08 TSGP includes Tier I, Tier II, Amtrak and a new Freight Rail Security Grant Program (FRSGP). After the FRSGP awards were made, there were excess funds left over in the program. Initially, Tier II was allocated $36 million, but was awarded $16 million by the National Review Panel (NRP). Recognizing the crunch timelines for FY08 and that in FY07 Tier II received $22 million, DHS felt the difference ($6 million) should be recompeted so that Tier II would have an opportunity to receive at least the same funding they did in FY07. In an effort to aid agencies with the Recompete, TSA provided those agencies which received partial or no funding on initially submitted projects feedback emails.

We received partial funding for an initially submitted project. Should we resubmit the entire Investment Justification (IJ) or just the section we received feedback on? Should we highlight the changes and additions responding to the NRP feedback in our new IJ?

We suggest that you resubmit the entire application again and highlight the sections edited according to the feedback the agency received. This is what would be the most helpful to the NRP. DHS does recognize however, that with the short time lines of the Recompete an agency may not have time to redo their entire application. So, resubmitting the entire IJ is not required; if an agency is resubmitting a project, it is only required that they submit those sections they received feedback on.

Where were the additional remaining funds in the TSGP applied?

The TSGP is a risk-based program. DHS decided to apply the remaining funds to Tier I agencies (those agencies with the highest risk) who applied for the highest priority projects. For more details of all TSGP award information, please visit the award page.

Are resubmittals the only projects eligible for the Recompete?

No, they are not the only projects eligible. As the IB states:

There are, in general, three types of applications that can be submitted:
1. A revised application derived from a partially funded or unfunded project: If submitting a revised application, DHS prefers that all the components of the revised application are completely re-submitted. However, only those elements of the original application which were lacking or are being revised are required to be completed in response to this IB and submitted by the State Administrative Agency (SAA) through the Grant Management System (GMS) at .

2. A new application from an agency that applied in the initial process: Tier II agencies that wish to submit new applications not submitted in the initial Tier II FY 2008 TSGP process are welcome to do so through their State Administrative Agency (SAA).

3. A new application from an agency that did not apply in the initial process: Tier II agencies that did not submit projects under the initial Tier II FY 2008 TSGP process but wish to avail themselves of the opportunity presented by this IB may do so as well; they will need to submit a complete application to their SAA (see page 23, TSGP guidance and application kit).

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06/04/08 Conference Call

What is status of the FY07 GANs?

The FY07 GANs are being processed as FEMA receives the appropriate EHP forms; this is a slow process.  For more specific inquiries, please contact FEMA.

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05/21/08 Conference Call

Will DHS be providing Tier II agencies feedback on their projects and applications?

Yes, we are currently in the process of drafting that feedback. It will detail the award amount for both full and partially funded requests as well as feedback on any ineligible projects. The timeline on when the POC on the original application will receive this feedback has yet to be determined, however it will be before the Tier II recompete applications are due.

(Correction: Information on fully funded projects will not be addressed in the feedback to Tier II agencies provided before the recompete. This information will be provided with the official GAN issued by FEMA)

Is it possible Tier II can receive additional guidance on selecting projects and writing Investment Justifications (IJs)? Is it possible Tier II can get a list of ineligible projects?

Since Tier II is a competitive process, it is a different process (from Tier I) to work with agencies on their applications. We do have written guidance on how to write an IJ on our website. In addition, we held two workshops after the initial release of the grant guidance in February to inform Tier II agencies about eligible project types and the IJ writing process. Also, project priority groupings, as detailed in the grant guidance, lay out specifically which projects are eligible. Any projects not captured by these groupings are ineligible. If anything is still unclear, please bring it up at the after-action conference so DHS can work with you in the coming grant years. You can also submit specific questions to

Do we have an effective date on the grant awards yet?


Can you give more detail on the Tier II recompete timeframe? Will the recompete awards be subject to the same timeline as those awards announced on May 16, 2008?

The details on the process and timeline for the Tier II recompete are not final, but we will make sure to keep you all informed and up to date with that information once it has been decided. The Tier II recompete awards ($8.5 million) were not included in the Secretary's announcement on May 16, 2008 so the recompete awards will have their own timeline once they are announced.

What will we be discussing at this next round of Tier I RTSWGs and who should be present?

This round of RTSWGs will be to go over the project lists submitted for FY08, refine the budget numbers, and address any steps moving forward with the IJ writing process. This will be a fully functional RTSWG with decisions being made, so all members should plan to attend.

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05/07/08 Conference Call

Could you review the FY08 Investment Justification (IJ) timeline for Tier I?

Tier I IJs are due 90 days after the award announcement.  For FY08, this would make the IJ deadline in mid August.  If you complete your IJs earlier however, feel free to submit early so DHS can start the process.

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03/05/08 Conference Call

When are the security plan certifications due?

The certification is due at the same time as the IJ. For Tier II agencies, the IJs, and therefore the security plan certifications, are due March 17th. The drop-dead due date for Tier I agencies is August 15th. We would prefer to receive them sooner. An Information Bulletin (IB) should be forthcoming shortly that will provide clarification on that subject.

Does TSA plan on releasing additional guidance on background checks?

At this time, we don't anticipate releasing anymore guidance. Background checks are not required/mandatory at this time.

If we propose a background check project, will that be viewed more favorably?

Background checks are a high priority; they are listed in Project Effectiveness Grouping

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02/27/08 Conference Call

Questions and Answers-TSGP 2.27.08

Where can we find the FY08 Authorized Equipment List (AEL)?

The AEL has yet to be updated for FY08, but the current AEL can be found at It requires a no cost sign-up and takes about 24 hours to receive access. The current version is the FY2007. Each entry has specific grant programs associated with the category as allowable. This is represented by a check box next to the appropriate program as shown on the entry.

Where can we find the FY08 Training Cost Matrix?

The FY08 Training Cost Matrix is the same as the FY07 Training Cost Matrix, which can be found at our website:

What financial management guidance is appropriate to use to manage the grant programs?

The current Financial Management System regulations are codified in 44 CFR that outlines financial policy and procedures. This regulation can be found at

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02/20/08 Conference Call

When is the security plan signature of concurrence due? 

For Tier II the signature of concurrence on the security plan is due March 17, along with the full application.  For Tier I, the exact date the signature of concurrence is due will be discussed and agreed upon during the RTSWG meetings.

Is the Investment Justification template available in Microsoft Word format?

Yes, the Investment Justification template is available in Microsoft Word format on the webpage.

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02/13/08 Conference Call

I noticed that the Investment Justification (IJ) posted online is for FY 2007. When will the FY 2008 version be posted?

The FY 2008 version will be posted at the end of the week in Microsoft Word. (Note - the FY 2008 IJ Template in Microsoft Word is now available at

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02/06/08 Conference Call

How were the transit security providers listed in Table 4 of the Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Grant Guidance selected?

The transit security providers referenced in the TSGP FY08 Grant Guidance were selected by DHS subject matter experts and transit security inspectors. This is not to say however that appropriate security providers are limited to those in this list. Our purpose in listing the security providers was to ensure their incorporation in the decision making process. DHS would certainly not be opposed to including additional appropriate providers. If you would like a specific security provider added to the list, please provide us with a formal request and we can issue a formal response.

Are Tier II law enforcement agencies that act as transit security providers eligible to receive funding for operational packages?

No, they are not eligible to receive funding for operational packages. Only Tier I agencies are eligible for OPacks.

Could you please clarify what constitutes the 25% cost share requirement of the transit agencies?

An agency's cost share requirement can be cash or in-kind. This means that personnel resources such as man power, hours, and salaries can all count toward an in-kind cost share (e.g., using in-house support to install equipment).

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02/04/08 Conference Call

How is the funding for ferry systems working for fiscal year (FY) 2008?

Due to provisions in the 9/11 Bill, funding for ferry systems will be available through both the Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) and the Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP). There is $5.6M under PSGP set-aside for ferry systems; there is no set-aside under TSGP. Only certain ferry systems in Tier I regions (identified in Table 4 on the FY 2008 TSGP Guidance) are eligible to participate in the FY 2008 TSGP, and receive funds under the Tier I cooperative agreement process. However, any ferry system electing to participate and receive funds under the FY 2008 TSGP cannot also participate in the FY 2008 PSGP. Likewise, any ferry system that participates in PSGP cannot be considered for funding under TSGP.

Are underwater transit tunnels that are being constructed eligible to receive grant funding?

TSGP funds cannot be used for construction costs. However, once the tunnel is built, funds for measures to secure the tunnel are eligible. Note that post 9/11 tunnel security improvements would not receive as much consideration as security improvements going toward tunnels constructed pre-9/11 [because systems would be expected to fund many security improvements themselves, as security costs are a cost of doing business in a Post-9/11 environment].

Can FTA funding be used to meet the cost share requirement of the agency?

Federal funds cannot be used to meet the cost share requirement of the agency.

What is due on March 17th?

For Tier II agencies, complete investment justifications and detailed budgets are due on this date. For Tier I agencies, only the SF-424 is due on this date. DHS will work with Tier I agencies to develop their project concepts, and hopes to have these concepts finalized by the end of March with complete investment justifications around the end of April.

Where would cameras on buses/rail with live feed fall on the project effectiveness groupings?

There is currently a discussion taking place within DHS concerning the issue of cameras and TSA hopes to issue an information bulletin on this issue in the next couple of weeks.

How is each agency's risk calculated?

The DHS risk assessment methodology considers critical infrastructure system assets, and characteristics that might contribute to their risk, such as: intelligence community assessments of threat; potentially affected passenger populations, and the economic impact of attack. The relative weighting of variables reflects DHS' overall risk assessment and FY 2008 program priorities (e.g., heavy weighting for the presence of underwater and underground systems). Specific variables include the unlinked passenger trips for rail and bus systems, the number of underground track miles, the number of underwater tunnels, and the location-specific intelligence community risk analysis.

What are the major funding priorities for TSGP in FY 2008?

Among TSGP's FY 2008 priorities are training, operational deterrence, drills, public awareness activities, and multi-user high-density key infrastructure protection. A complete list is provided in Table 2 of the FY 2008 TSGP Grant Guidance.

Do ferry systems applying under the PSGP need to go through a State Administrative Agency?

No. When applying under the PSGP ferry systems apply directly for grant funds.

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01/16/08 Conference Call

Will a conference agenda be distributed before the conferences?

Yes, an agenda will be sent out the week of January 22. At that time, we will allow agencies to submit different/additional topics for discussion that they would like to be covered at the conferences.

Is information concerning the conferences on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) website?

The dates, times, and places are posted on the website

Do we need to register for the conferences?

No, you can sign up at the conference. There is no formal pre-registration process. However, if you plan on attending, please send an email to so we can develop accurate head counts.

Is there a special hotel rate?

There are hotels that honor the Federal government per diem in both locations (Las Vegas, NV; and Charlotte, NC).

Can we receive a no-cost extension for fast-track training?

They will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Try to finish within the approved timeframe. If you need an extension, you will have to follow the normal extension request procedures through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Can you please go over the FY 2008 timelines?

The timeline for Tier II is as follows:

For Tier I, this information is pre-decisional, as it is still being finalized. The State must submit the SF-424 within 45 days of the grant guidance being issued. In an effort to get the funds awarded in a timely manner, we are considering a shortened timeframe from the FY07 process, but not as aggressive as the Tier II timeline. We are hoping to have project concepts, developed collaboratively between the regions and DHS, from the Tier I regions by the end of March, of which to base funding decisions off of. DHS will still work with the Tier I regions to develop their formal IJs based off of the approved project concepts after that time.

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