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USAID: From The American People Office of Food for Peace At a fair in Touba Toul, a Senegalese merchant with her infant strapped to her back exchanges her produce for USAID-funded seed vouchers - Click to read this story

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One of several communities in Southwest Bangladesh affected by severe flooding.
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MYAP FY 2009 Pipeline and Resource Estimate Proposal (PREP)

Document Name
MYAP FY 2008 Pipeline and Resource Estimate Proposal (PREP) Word, 944kb
Frequently Asked Questions Word, 44kb
Attachment A: Comprehensive Budget template Excel, 55kb
Attachment B: Detailed Budget template Excel, 76kb
Attachment C: Annual Estimate of Requirements (AER) and Commodity Pipeline Excel, 217kb
Attachment D: Resource and Beneficiary Summary Table (Updated) Excel, 158kb
Attachment E: Environmental Status Report (ESR) template MS Word, 80kb
Attachment F: Certifications Regarding Lobbying, Terrorist Financing, and Non-Discrimination PDF, 98kb
Reference Documents:
PREP Tutorial PDF, 120kb
Reference Document A: Section 202(e) Food for Peace Information Bulletin PDF, 29kb
Reference Document B: ITSH Food for Peace Information Bulletin PDF, 25kb
Reference Document C: Complementary Budgeting Matrix for Section 202(e) and ITSH Excel, 19kb

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Fri, 10 Oct 2008 09:32:50 -0500