Permanent paper: (A) A paper that can resist chemical and physical 
  changes over an extended time period (several hundred years). This 
  paper is generally acid free, has a fairly high initial strength, and 
  will retain its strength over time.
    (B) The P.L. 101-423, Joint Resolution to Establish a National 
  Policy on Permanent Paper, passed October 1990, states: ``It is the 
  policy of the United States that Federal records, books, and 
  publications of enduring value be produced on acid free permanent 
Pick resistance: Use method T-459 (wax pick) for uncoated papers. Note: 
  There is no standardized pick test for coated papers.
PMU (phosphor meter unit): Specialized equipment for measuring this 
  property available from the U.S. Postal Service.
Porosity: Use method T-460.
Postconsumer fiber: Pulp fiber derived from postconsumer recovered 
Postconsumer material: ``(1) Paper, paperboard and fibrous wastes from 
  retail stores, office buildings, homes and so forth, after they have 
  passed through their end-usage as a consumer item including: Used 
  corrugated boxes; old newspapers; old magazines; mixed waste paper; 
  tabulating cards and used cordage; and
    (2) All paper, paperboard and fibrous wastes that enter and are 
  collected from municipal solid waste.'' (40 CFR 247.3)
Recovered material: Waste material and by-products that have been 
  recovered or diverted from solid waste, but such term does not include 
  those materials and by-products generated from, and commonly reused 
  within, an original manufacturing process. In the case of paper and 
  paper products, the term ``recovered materials'' includes:
    ``(1) Postconsumer materials such as:
    (i) Paper, paperboard, and fibrous wastes from retail stores, office 
  buildings, homes, and so forth, after they have passed through their 
  end usage as a consumer item, including: Used corrugated boxes, old 
  newspapers, old magazines, mixed waste paper, tabulating cards, and 
  used cordage, and,
    (ii) All paper, paperboard, and fibrous wastes that enter and are 
  collected from municipal solid waste; and
    (2) Manufacturing, forest residues, and other wastes such as:
    (i) Dry paper and paperboard waste generated after completion of the 
  papermaking process (that is, those manufacturing operations up to and 
  including the cutting and trimming of the paper machine reel into 
  smaller rolls or rough sheets) including envelope cuttings, bindery 
  trimmings, and other paper and paperboard waste, resulting from 
  printing, cutting, forming, and other converting operations; bag, box 
  and carton manufacturing wastes; and butt rolls, mill wrappers, and 
  rejected unused stock; and
    (ii) Finished paper and paperboard from obsolete inventories of 
  paper and paperboard manufacturers, merchants, wholesalers, dealers, 
  printers, converters, or others;
    (iii) Fibrous by-products of harvesting, manufacturing, extractive, 
  or wood-cutting processes, flax, straw, linters, bagasse, slash, and 
  other forest residues;
    (iv) Wastes generated by the conversion of goods made from fibrous 
  material (e.g., waste rope from cordage manufacture, textile mill 
  waste, and cuttings); and
    (v) Fibers recovered from waste water that otherwise would enter the 
  waste stream.'' (40 CFR 247.3)
Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN): EPA guidance regarding 
  certification and verification of the use of recovered fiber in 
  printing and writing papers clarifying section 6002(i)(2)c of the 
  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976.