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EPA 600/R-05/123a

Guidance for Evaluating Landfill Gas Emissions from Closed or Abandoned Facilities
(PDF, 12 M, 217 pp)
September 2005

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This document provides guidance to superfund remedial project managers, on-scene coordinators, facility owners, and potentially responsible parties for conducting an air pathway analysis for landfill gas emissions under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The document provides procedures and a set of tools for evaluating LFG emissions to ambient air, subsurface vapor migration due to landfill gas pressure gradients, and subsurface vapor intrusion into buildings. The air pathway analysis is used to evaluate the inhalation risks to offsite receptors as well as the hazards of both onsite and offsite methane explosions and landfill fires.

Susan Thorneloe
(919) 541-2709

Office of Research & Development | National Risk Management Research Laboratory

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