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Cooperative Research

Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)

EPA's ETV program evolved from 12 pilot projects to 6 centers, one of which is the Greenhouse Gas Technology Center. ETV was established on the assumption that numerous technologies suitable for mitigating a variety of environmental problems are currently or could be available but are not being employed for lack of credible third-party testing. ETV's mission is to perform testing and provide results to vendors, technology purchasers, and regulators. Due to funding shortfalls the Agency will no longer fund the Greenhouse Gas Center but the Center will be taken private and its services will continue to be available for verification testing, protocol development, and protocol verification. The Center will continue its relationship with the Agency for quality assurance purposes through an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). For more information about ETV, visit the ETV web site.


For further information, contact Dave Kirchgessner (kirchgessner.dave@epa.gov, 919-541-4021)

Office of Research & Development | National Risk Management Research Laboratory

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