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Focus on TSA's Core Values: Innovation

Who We Are

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TSA seeks to be constantly flexible and resilient. Soliciting recommendations from employees at all levels and strategically evaluating and implementing them helps TSA accomplish its mission. Innovation – a core TSA value – says:

"One of the benefits of being a young agency is that we can work together to create our own culture and traditions," said Gale Rossides, deputy administrator. "Creating programs that capture the innovative spirit and constructive ideas of our employees will help us build TSA together."
Innovation is initiated throughout TSA at all levels, including the use of state-of-the-art technology, access to national programs that are available to all TSA employees, and the availability of local programs such as employee advisory councils. These sources of innovation are used to help TSA senior leadership make decisions, improve policies, processes, and standard operating procedures, and launch new initiatives and programs. Some other examples are:

"I encourage every person at TSA to get engaged and involved in their local advisory councils..." said Rossides. "We want to hear your thoughts and ideas!"