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USAID: From The American People Office of Food for Peace Business-savvy coop transforms women’s lives and livelihood in Morocco - Click to read this story

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One of several communities in Southwest Bangladesh affected by severe flooding.
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FY 2007 Results Report Guidance

Document Name
File Size
Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP) and Development Activity Programs (DAP) Adobe PDF, 75kb
Single-Year Assistance Programs (SYAPs) (includes IFRP) MS Word, 70kb
Standardized Annual Performance Questionnaire
MS Excel, 156K
Summary Request and Beneficiary Tracking Table
MS Excel, 156kb
Summary Request and Beneficiary Tracking Table Template (for IFRP programs only)
MS Excel, 1555kb
Monetization Tables Template
MS Excel, 64kb
FY07 Expenditure Report Template
MS Excel, 29kb
MYAP/DAP Cover Page Template
Adobe PDF, 14K
Summary Request and Beneficiary Tracking Table Template (for WFP programs only)
MS Excel, 155K


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