Search tips


Queries can include the following Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT

A query that contains several different operators needs round brackets to remove ambiguities, e.g. osteoporosis and (alcohol or tobacco).

Append field names between square brackets to restrict a search to a particular field. Abbreviations can be found in the List of field names below. Example: smith [AU] and array [TI]. Please use capitals for field names.

Use double quotes to identify phrases (e.g. “red blood cell”).

An asterisk at the end of a word functions as a wildcard, replacing any number of characters (e.g. diabet* retrieves diabetes and diabetic).


Use the format smith_cp. Author names are automatically expanded to include all combinations of initials, e.g. smith_c retrieves Smith C, Smith CA etc. You can turn this off by using quotes, “smith_c” retrieves only Smith C.

List of field names

AU authors' names
TI title